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October 29, 2021

The Biggest Changes in Renewable Energy

The approach to renewable energy is evolving in the 21st-century as millennials and members of Gen Z show their trust in new technologies. The dominance of fossil fuels has been high since the 1970s, but the comfort of the younger generations with renewable forms of energy is changing the way they are viewed. The energy crisis of the 1970s prompted a shift towards renewables that is beginning to reach the mainstream in the 2020s.

Education is a crucial part of the evolution of the renewable energy market. For Baby Boomers and members of Generation X, the renewable energy market was a controversial subject. Brought up in the era of fossil fuels, the older generations had a deep mistrust of the new technologies. The generations emerging in the last two decades have grown up with solar panels and wind turbines, meaning they support renewable energy. The use of solar panels at school buildings means younger people have grown up with these technologies as part of their everyday lives.

The solar and renewable energy sector has made great strides in the past three decades to employ more than three million people worldwide. The expansion of the renewable energy sector has brought significant changes to the future of cities. The desire to protect the environment and live a healthier lifestyle includes younger people deciding not to purchase cars. Globally, urban hotspots are causing problems where heat is trapped within the center of cities. Limiting the number of vehicles on the road allows more space within urban centers and improves the quality of life.

The three million people working in the solar industry around the world are one part of the renewable energy employment sector. The sector has been growing since the 1970s and includes more than one million people working in the clean energy sector of the U.S. As job opportunities arise, the acceptance of renewable energy will steadily increase.

Finally, the economic benefits of renewable energy are being seen by politicians and business leaders. The greater the acceptance at these levels, the faster the world will evolve to renewable energy sources. If politicians can begin to see the benefits of renewable energy, legislation to expand the industry will be passed with ease.

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