November 10, 2021

4 Powerful Reminders to Help us Navigate Holiday Season.


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Christmas and Thanksgiving are just around the corner—and our nervous systems are already challenged.

But Elephant Journal is here to help.

The holiday season should be something to look forward to, but many of us know that this time of the year also has the potential to drive us nuts.

We worry about presents, drink too much, and almost forget what really matters in life. But how about being more mindful this year?

Here are four articles that help us deal with the challenges of the upcoming holiday season:

1. Alcohol 

The Movember Move Men Should be Making—but Aren’t.~ Annie Grace

Nothing against a drink during the holidays, but who doesn’t get annoyed by excessive drinking at family gatherings? I understand that alcohol helps many folks to ease their minds and enjoy a nice evening with loved ones—but at what point does this become a problem?

Drinking alcohol gives us the illusion of soothing our nervous system, but we shouldn’t forget that it actually does the opposite.

The connection between mental health and drinking could be the topic for several books, but nobody has time for that during the holidays—so, let’s all save some time and read this wonderful article.

2. Social Media

10 Things People do on Facebook that make me want to Quit the Human Race & Live in a Cave.~ Billy Manas

As mentioned above, many of us don’t find the time to relax or read a book during the holidays—but almost everyone finds the time to spend hours on social media.

This article makes us laugh and question ourselves at the same time. Before we continue scrolling, posting, and ranting on social media, we should all read this article and save ourselves from acting like an idiot online.

Reading this article doesn’t only help our own nervous system; it might also be of benefit to all our friends on social media. Help yourself and help others by reading this fun article.

3. Community

This is What true Connection Is.~ Rhyanna Watson

How do we connect with loved ones? What makes them loved ones? And what does our mindset have to do with that?

This article helps us understand how to build authentic connections with others—and how not to. Before planning your holidays and inviting friends and family, please take the time to read this article.

4. Activities

9 Ways to Have a Mindful Merry Christmas Season (Hint: It’s Not the Gifts).~ Michelle Al Bitar

So, we already learned that drinking, spending too much time on social media, and hanging out with the wrong crowd might create a lot of stress, but what can we do instead?

Instead of spending all our money and time to find the perfect present, we could find joy in a mindful way that doesn’t cost much money. This article doesn’t only help our bank accounts; it will also give us some peace of mind.

So, let’s drink less, connect with others in real life, and not spend all our money on gifts. But let’s also not forget that having a goal and accomplishing something is not the same thing.

We can try our best not to have a mental breakdown, but that’s no guarantee for not having one.

Whatever happens this Christmas and Thanksgiving, don’t be too hard on yourself. The last 20 months were challenging, and we all need a break.

And isn’t that the actual purpose of holidays?


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author: Robert Busch

Image: yoga_dude/Instagram