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November 10, 2021

My name is Ashley my blog is dedicated to Saroise Kennedy

How is life suppose to be happy when u have a mental illness? And suffering from mental health well i tell you this. I suffer from bio polar depression and I suffer from depression. A lot but. For me it’s waking up knowing I’m alive and that I can face my mental illness knowing. That I’m not alone and knowing that I’m courageous to have started my journey with speaking out about my mental illness. And what I’ve been through in my journey. But I’ve been suffering for longtime and I didn’t want to tell anyone about my journey with mental illness and who I was. And what I’ve been struggling I will tell you this when I came out with my struggle for mental illness. I wanted to be the one to speak up for mental health and mental illness. So this is what my blog is for. To spread awareness and so you can listen to my story. My name is Ashley Gandy and I’m a advocate for mental illness and mental health. To you the one I dedicated my blog too. Seriose Kennedy. Thank you for encouraging me to speak up about my mental illness. You will be missed forever. You are the one who changed my life and a lot of people’s. Struggling with mental illness thank you… To those reading my blog. Remember you are Not alone and I’m. Here for you. This is my journey and your welcomed to it. Hope you follow me goodnight

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