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November 10, 2021

My challenge for you today

Shit I know this for the love of God fight for what you want and what you believe in  and stand up for those of us with mental health issues and mental illness  you have the power to maybe inspire those of us and give us hope that the world will listen to us or maybe you will listen to us we are apart of this world too you have a goddamn obligation to take a stand for those u love and to be a voice for them ❤?and so we won’t remain in silence u have a voice to be are hero and be courageous and never stop fighting for us so for fuck sakes challenge your congress members in the Senate and the house I fucking dare you let them fight for you and let them challenge you to end the stigma of mental illness and health and let them be your damn voice I ask you this that you never stop fighting for us and that you challenge your members of Congress in the house and Senate to fight ?? for us will you do that mental illness and mental health issues is are more important then any other issues why the fuck aren’t they paying attention to us ??? hey members of Congress can you here us or are we just blinded by you

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