Feedback is one of the most important things you can do as a manager. There are many different types of feedback, and if you want to be an effective leader, it’s your responsibility to use them all wisely. This article provides four tips for giving effective feedback so your employees will grow professionally while you maintain your authority.
- Don’t Wait Until An Employee Fails to Give Feedback
This seems like a no-brainer, but feedback is most effective when it’s given early and often. Waiting for an employee to fail before giving feedback can result in the incorrect perception that you don’t care about them or their development. Employees who hear this message may be more likely to take risks since they have nothing to lose. Instead, schedule regular meetings with your employees and try to find natural opportunities to provide feedback throughout the week so you can keep everyone on track.
- Don’t Make it Personal
There is a difference between giving someone negative feedback about their job performance and negative feedback about their character. While it may be easier to get your point across if you mix in a little personal criticism, this will likely damage the relationship and morale of the team. When you’re trying to solve for poor performance, focus on improving that rather than making it personal or distracting from the problem at hand.
- Don’t Fall Into the Trap of Overcomplicating Things
Instead, keep your feedback simple and to the point. Employees will respond more positively if you’re direct with them about improving their performance rather than finishing a long explanation about why they’re failing. There’s no complex formula for giving feedback, but it’s essential to match the complexity of your words with the complexities of their performance.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Go Back and Re-evaluate Feedback
While it may be essential for you to provide constructive criticism when someone is performing poorly, they still deserve a chance to improve. If your employees are willing to put in the work, don’t be afraid to go back and re-evaluate the feedback you have already given them. You can acknowledge that you reviewed their progress and agree with what they have done differently since then before leaving room for them to ask any questions about their performance.
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People learn best from feedback that is specific, timely, and achievable. Finally, remember that it’s always better to have a conversation about negative feedback rather than avoiding it entirely. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to provide effective feedback that will get your employees on track while maintaining authority and improving your team.
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