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November 22, 2021

Growing into self-love

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Pexels.

Rather than promoting post-break up self-destructive behavior, Willow Smith and Avril Lavigne wrote/sung the pop-punk/skate-punk/punk-rock song G R O W (ft. Travis Barker) to acknowledge our true need to heal, grow, and feel empowered by self love.

After a break up, we can feel so lost and confused.

We are unsure who we are or where we want to go. It can be a time of either self destruction or deep healing – it’s our choice.

The lyrics “I hope you know you are not alone, being confused ain’t right or wrong. You’ll find out that you are your own best friend – and no that aint a f****** metaphor” declares that it’s okay to have a broken heart and to experience feelings of confusion. Confusion is a good place to be. It’s a place from which we discover clarity. Without confusion, without knowing that something is amiss, how would we find clarity?

No one knows 100 percent who they are from the very start, especially not in today’s conforming society. The path to healing and knowing ourselves is not a linear path, infact, it’s more of a spiral or mountain range. Life brings us back around, time and time again, to deepen the lessons and rediscover ourselves on a new level. This is a big reason why it’s best not to put ourselves in a box, or to try to fit into a specific category. We are more than just a category, we are multidimensional beings.

Post-break up, we, likely, have a lot of reevaluation to do realizing that the situation we were in was not ideal, was not the right fit.

Now is the time to try on a new way of life. Getting to know ourselves, our true selves, is how we climb our way out of that dark insecure place of despair. Rediscovering ourselves allows us to open the door for new opportunities that better suit our new and evolved version.

Ask yourself a series of questions: What do I really desire in life? What would feel fulfilling to me? How do I shift my wounds into wisdom? How do I wish to be loved? Am I loving myself in this way?

In the music video, you see the word “ego” getting crossed out, and I believe this is used as symbolism for our healing journey and how it involves checking our egos and intentions. This truly is where deep healing resides. When we align our ego with our heart center, we can live from a place of true authenticity.

Willow’s Smith’s rock music is one way she expresses her passion for activism and artistry. She loves to spread light and enlightenment through self expression and through her music because she believes that you are what you ingest and expose yourself to. I’ve been listening to more of her music these days, realizing it is the exact medicine my angsty teen self once needed.

Avril Lavigne has always had a special place in my heart with her feeling-invoking music and lyrics. She is a resilient, radiant soul; all about uplifting others when they’re going through challenging times. These two artists coming together creates a powerful message for those who need a little love after a heart-breaking experience.

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