Focusing on a deficits literally limits our understanding, knowledge and potential of any given situation. It literally shrinks our brain of its’ innate capacity to think freely and inventively.
This limits the creative experience and our brains’ capacity to think laterally, creatively or find broader solutions.
A ‘deficit’ focus serves the ‘powers’ that be as we become easy to market ideas to. Our focus is lack based and therefore everything has a use and value outside of ourselves. We see the world in terms of its use and value rather than focusing on our innate value.
The human experience then becomes malleable and easy to manipulate because we are then gridlocked into an idea of ‘ideal’.
Constantly focusing on the negative tendencies or deficits leaves in a position where we feel unable to reach the dream of our own life, the power of conditioning and self limitation has over us.This deficit lens affects our performance and everyday lives.
Creativity and a present moment to moment mindset develops a receptive focus which creates active responses to life challenges that are unique, individual, authentic and enhance life affirming contact which is direct and fosters our capabilities and gifts in the moment.
Looking at how our mind may or may not sabotage us and the nature of our mind’s self-limiting capacity helps us find our own inner resourcefulness in problem solving and harnesses our capabilities. Receptivity is detached from engaging with dichotomous thinking, which is based on judgement: This is good or this is bad! This sort of thinking is tied to our subjective experience of family and culture and can be exemplified by our maladaptive mind patterns linked to social constructs and systems i.e. family, education, expectation, tradition and culture which are more inclined towards ‘better Judgement’, socially expected norms or ethical suppositions on how to live a correct life or be.
Judgment is driven or guided by correct conduct or the assumption of a way! The assumption of a ‘WAY’ is associated with better performance in life and drives many motivations within the market machine of the modern world which is fueled by ideology and paradigms. Most behaviour or action in reality is derived from the assumption of ‘righteousness’ or the belief that on one way is better than another.
Yes, it is good to learn from the experience of others and observe that, but only if we direct that learning to how it applies and benefits our own life. To be successful at living an authentic life is to unleash the truth and potential of oneself. Do nothing of no use! We all have potential, how we unleash it depends on the power of our potency and intent. Power is the power that is anchored in one’s personality or knowing of themselves. The certainty of oneself cannot live in any deficit.
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