January 7, 2022

We Don’t Hate Each Other. We Hate Politics.


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TV hardly had a place in my life for nearly 50 years.

Truth be told, I purchased it only because the entertainment center seemed to “require” one and it would have looked rather odd without that empty space. A lame and possibly pathetic reason, I know, but an honest one.

Then came COVID-19. My immersion into the world of television was an adventure, one in which I found some enormous value, therefore, a constructive way to spend some time. Reading and writing still take precedence, both my pastimes of choice, but I’ve expanded my horizons, so to speak.

Recently, I saw this movie, “Don’t look up,” repeatedly showing up in my scrolls and clicks. I watched the trailer and pooh-poohed it, unconsciously judging it as some sci-fi thriller that I wouldn’t miss out on by not watching it.

I tend to be stubborn when it comes to group think and mass popularity, tending not to watch something just because it’s the craze of the day.

Then came this movie and the conversations surrounding it, one of which was most interesting.

It was the opinion of a former colleague, whom I like and respect very much, who posted that the movie wasn’t worth the time. Within 24 hours, she reposted, retracting her negative reaction with a positive review. She eloquently stated that this move depicts our society and political situation today and she hopes to God—or anyone else who’ll listen—that we evolve.

That comment followed by countless others, which led to viral conversations, has piqued my interest. I will watch this movie.

But what has really piqued my interest is my aha moment. The point blank, in your face reality that almost everyone shares the same view and opinion on this movie.

We don’t hate each other. We hate politics.

Whether Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, independent or otherwise, gay, straight, trans, black, white, male, female—we have landed on common ground.

In reading the posts, we are not a country—or world—divided. We are rather quite united.

We actually lack respect for politics and politicians—not each other. 

And we are frustrated by the lack of integrity, compassion, and sincerity. We can’t stand that they won’t listen to science, to the voters, or to each other. And we are damn tired of them making everything about winning elections—at all costs.

We pay the price—and I’m not talking about taxes. I’m talking about costs that are not monetary. I’m talking about politicians who care more about themselves, their egos, and powers than their people, their country, or the future of both.

It’s not the issues that divide us. It’s the media and politicians.

Extremists tip the scales in only one direction, thus weighing us all down and resulting in a society that is, indeed, carrying the weight of the world on its shoulders.

The burden is heavy, yet together, we can free ourselves from the spin that clouds our thinking, inflames our emotions, and takes a stand against—rather than with—our fellow man.

We can’t take sides and expect to succeed—even if we win.


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author: Erin Murphy

Image: pedrakimou/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson