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January 6, 2022

Preparing for a Major Surgery

When you need any type of major surgery, you will probably feel unnerved and anxious about the procedure. You can help yourself and improve your recovery time by preparing for the operation in advance. While there will be a few specific instructions that your doctor will provide, there are other things you can do to get your body and mind ready for the invasive medical procedure.

Eat Right and Exercise

The day before your surgery is typically needed to prepare your body for the physically stressful experience of invasive surgery. Your doctor will tell you when to have your last bit of food to eat and when to stop drinking beverages other than water. Even before that deadline, you should focus on drinking plenty of water to help hydrate your body. You should also eat healthy meals to give your body an extra boost of vitamins, protein, and fiber. Before you go to bed, engage in some type of exercise or practice yoga. The physical activity will leave your muscles and tissue more limber ahead of the operation.

Eliminate Your Fear

You can mentally prepare for surgery if you take some time to research your procedure before you go to the hospital. Ask your doctor for recommended resources to ensure you visit reputable and authoritative websites. Articles and instructional videos can help you learn more about the operation. Gaining the extra knowledge will be useful in eliminating your irrational fears about the procedure.

Prepare For Your Recovery

You should also talk to your surgeon about the recovery process. Find out what activities you can and can’t do for the weeks following your surgery. Ask when you can resume work and other normal activities. Additionally, prepare to recuperate comfortably. Once you’re released from the hospital, you’ll want to be able to go home and rest. Have comfortable clothes available to wear, make sure you have a good supply of drinking water, snacks, and toiletries. Try to have someone to sit with you during the day to perform tasks for you.

In general, you should adopt a healthier lifestyle for yourself on a more permanent basis. Eating healthier foods, getting more exercise, and sleeping regular hours at night will all help to reduce your risks for a variety of medical conditions. Additionally, your body will be in much better condition to withstand the rigors of a surgical procedure when that type of treatment becomes necessary.

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