January 30, 2022

Brené Brown joins Neil Young—who’s next to Leave Spotify?

Neil Young was the first to speak up against Joe Rogan, but it looks like he won’t be the last.

That escalated quickly.

While Rogan’s fans still think Spotify did the right thing, more and more podcasters and musicians are about to leave the streaming platform.

Not to forget that Spotify’s stocks tanked on Friday. It looks like Spotify might regret the decision to stand with Rogan pretty soon.

Folks on social media are already speculating who else is going to boycott Spotify. Joni Mitchell announced to join Young’s protest. Many expect Dave Grohl to join this conversation soon. I am pretty sure the management at Spotify is quite nervous right now.

And if that wasn’t already enough to worry about—Brené Brown just announced to pause her podcasts.


Yes! Thank you, Brené Brown.

So, what’s next?

It’s safe to say that some folks underestimated the popularity of a rock legend like Neil Young. I am sure most of our readers are aware that Brené Brown pausing her incredibly successful podcasts really hurts Spotify’s reputation and business numbers.

But it could get much worse. Just a few more superstars and Spotify might lose the top spot in the streaming game.

Who do you think will be next? Who do you want to speak up? Please let me know in the comments!

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author: Robert Busch

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Image: Brené Brown/Twitter