September 8, 2009

Round Plots in your Community Garden

(photo by Michael Levin)

What are round plots? Round plots are circular gardens. That’s Ron Chandler’s patch at the Gainesville, FL McRorie Community Garden in the photo above. This style of gardening enables you to take advantage of space and the elements. It’s an interesting way of arranging your garden that’s been used for many years…

Mycol Stevens describes round plots at his workshop at Indigo Green Store’s Fall Harvest Festival.

Mycol explained that round plots were used by Native Americans to maximize resources. Ron Chandler’s day job is with the Florida Water Atlas. His patch at McRorie Community Garden in Gainesville is a round plot that uses soaker hoses. Ron recently led a workshop on water conservation pointing out that traditional sprinklers waste tremendous amounts of water because of evaporation.

I’m thinking about Fall planting. What an enjoyable thing it is to grow your own food. It tastes better. You also have the pleasure and sense of pride knowing that the food on your table is food you produced yourself.

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