Never force anything, especially on our children. They are still young, they still make a lot of mistakes but all that doesn’t mean that they are stupid and can’t understand anything. All those mistakes that will help them to live their life.
For those who have children would be wiser if as parents we support, encourage and strengthen our children. I agree that as parents, it is the duty of parents to educate, guide and warn if they make mistakes but try to be wiser not to impose our wishes as parents on them.
I also agree as parents we may have gone through various experiences and trials in life but that doesn’t mean that we can force our desires or demand them to comply with all of our wishes just because we think it’s best for them.
They are also human and they also have their own desires and thoughts. It’s not that they are younger that they can’t make the right decisions in their life. Agree, they will always make mistakes but it’s for their own good, so they know that all their decisions have consequences for which they must be held accountable.
If we continue to interfere in their lives, what if we are no longer around? will they be able to get through the trials in life while we do not dare to let them go when a problem occurs in their life? Letting them go in a problem they created, or when they make their decision, that’s the best way for them to understand the meaning of life.
They will get many life lessons with all the problems that hit them. As parents, it would be wiser if we were always by their side, to be a place for them to lean on and wipe their tears when they cry because of their problems and help give advice but not push. Give them freedom and let them fly high while they are filling their stories. It’s their life not our story.
Trust me, we ourselves will not want to be forced to comply with the wishes of others while we have our own way of thinking. Learn to accept the opinions and wishes of others even though we may know that the decisions they make may end badly.
Let them experience all those experiences so that they can mature themselves. Learn to be a wise parent and don’t force or demand high expectations on your children. Each child has their strengths and weaknesses and they do not belong to us completely even though we are their parents.
Learn to accept it all for their good and their happiness because in the end their happiness is the main thing.
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