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March 4, 2022

Jan Bonde Nielsen on How Green are Green Products?

The state of the world has been compromised by global warming, and, as a response, corporations have decided to step up with “green” products to ease our guilt a bit. But, are they actually as green as they claim to be?

A recent study examined nearly 1800 green promises claimed on a little over 1000 products found at common retailers. Of those claims, all but one have definitively been proven to be falsehoods. So, how does the average consumer determine whether a product is actually as safe for the environment as it says it is?

Here are three preliminary guidelines:

Don’t be Taken in by Packaging

Eco-friendly products are very popular now, and for good reason, but big businesses only see the wave as yet another trend and an easy way to rake in a profit. Since there is next to no regulation on certain claims that companies can make on packaging, many products blatantly lie on their labels about just how green they are.

Another marketing tactic is using beautiful packaging with trees, flowers, and other indicators of a partnership with the environment. Don’t fall for this! It is just another way to jump on the bandwagon and get the not-so-savvy customer to purchase their products.

Do your Research

If a company is being honest about being eco-friendly, it tends to put detailed information on its website about the science behind its products. A little digging and studying should get you all the answers you need. If a business is hiding the process and chemistry behind its environmentally-friendly products, there could be a reason for that.

Don’t Believe Ridiculous Claims

If something, such as “all natural,” sounds too good to be true, it probably is, indeed, a fabrication. After all, there are businesses out there that actually believe that adding an essential oil to body wash makes the product “all natural,” and will label it as such.

If you want to know the real truth, look at the list of ingredients. If you still see a mega-list of chemicals and lab-created dyes and scents, then you know that it isn’t what it says it is. Look for products that state that they are “100% natural,” and then verify it. When a claim is more specific, you have a better shot of finding a true eco-friendly product.

These are just a few of the ways to sniff out products that actually help the Earth and its creatures. However, you need to be aware of the actual composition of products not just to take care of the environment, but also to find the safest products for your family’s use.

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