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March 14, 2022

How to Spark Creativity

Creativity comes in all forms. Some might desire to express themselves through drawing or painting. Others might consider writing a story or novel. Many look for creative solutions to problems. In any instance, individuals are at a loss for how to accomplish their goals. But, do not lose heart for there are a number of ways to ignite creativity.

Visual Art Inspiration

People commonly create art for aesthetic appeal. But, artistic creations have also been proven to alleviate stress, inspire empathy and enhance memory. The act of creating art activates many areas of the brain, and so, is a wonderful means of ensuring cognitive health. When deciding on a particular subject, consider favorite animals, landscapes or other topics. Start by sketching shapes or playing with colors. Immersing oneself in nature remains a popular means of becoming inspired. Craft stores offer a variety of how-to-books for budding artists not knowing how or where to start.

Expression Through Writing

Despite the abundant use of technological gadgets, communication and expression through the written word remains relevant. If not knowing what to write, beginning a daily journal might be the means to start. The practice helps many as being an outlet for emotions, discovering solutions or simply as a place to brainstorm ideas. If desiring to devise a poem, a story or a book, perhaps start with a plot outline and create a list of characters. Jot down a main idea and branch out from there. Continue adding to each entry to eventually have a spider-web configuration of interlinking thoughts. When initially starting out, do not become overly concerned with grammar or spelling. A variety of software programs and websites are helpful in this way.

Innovative Problem Solving

Daily life is filled with a wide array of challenges and problems needing solutions. Overcoming an obstacle may require careful consideration. Creative problem solving should include coming up with many different possible solutions. Then evaluate each option before making a final decision. The processes are known as divergent and convergent thinking. Another recommended step to problem-solving includes posing the challenge as a question. Then formulate answers to each question. Try to concoct more positive than negative reasons for each option.



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