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November 25, 2022

Deeper the love, Clearer the mirror.

From a young age we are sold the Disney movie fantasy version of love. We are conditioned to believe that a true love partner will always feel like butterflies and fireworks. After many failed attempts to experience a consistent state of bliss with one individual, many of us have come to realize that this idea is simply a mirage, a fantasy of our minds and deepest desires. 

Deep down at our core we all seek unconditional love. The wiring for this feeling has the potential to be established in childhood, as the subconscious mind is developing. During this time, if the child feels a general sense of unconditional love and safety then that is the emotional signature which wires the subconscious mind, nervous system and lens to see life through. Adversely, if the child experiences instability, non-consistent love and an over-stimulating, cortisol inducing environment then that is the wiring within the emotional signature, nervous system and lens of perception. 

               Thus, many couples come together to subconsiously  recreate dynamics that will induce similar feeling states from childhood, in a subconscious effort to recreate and heal the energy around the initial wound. There are different types of partners that come into our realities. Some help us do the work and some show up to be a mirror and show us our inner stuff. Both are valuable: ether a great teacher on the path or a life partner. 

Emotional signatures from childhood = Home

Instead of waiting for prince charming to show up with the glass slipper, we can learn to take responsibility for our own inner states, self-sooth and gift ourselves the unconditional love first. We are all one and essentially everyone is just a mirror to see yourself.

Once your start to open your heart to another person, the mirror is shown to you, although it might not always feel comfortable, it is the greatest gift of self-reflection.

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