March 31, 2022

2 Takeaways from the Sweet Connection between Lady Gaga & Liza Minnelli at the 2022 Oscars.

I moved to Hollywood when I was 22, right after college.

I rented an apartment on Hollywood Blvd., and lived, breathed, and ate up the entertainment industry.

Even though it was a challenging business, I don’t regret a thing. And now, in my 40s, I have an even deeper appreciation for the experience and what I learned.

I can truly say I lived my dream.

Watching the sweet clip between Lady Gaga and Liza Minnelli at the Oscars this year made me remember why I love the arts and performing. It also made me miss it a little.

The connection performers share is sacred and we saw that between Gaga and Minnelli. Kudos from our artistic peers holds much more weight because we understand the experience. We’re in the trenches together, so to speak.

And, it also got me thinking.

I’m a fan of both women and after seeing them together, I fell in love with them all over again.

There was a tenderness and deep respect that Gaga exuded that literally made my heart melt and reminded me of the vast wells of compassion we are capable of tapping into.

Watching them hold hands makes me well up! So sweet.

Here are my two takeaways from this beautiful moment:

1. We are all fragile. Please handle with care.

Have you ever seen the movie “Stepping Out” (1991)?

It stars Minnelli as a retired Broadway dancer who teaches a tap class. After getting asked to be a part of a local charity event, she must get her students organized so they can do an actual routine and not totally embarrass themselves!

It’s a sweet movie and I bring it up for a reason.

In the film, there is a scene showing Minnelli preparing for the class. As she goes to turn off her stereo, some music comes on from her Broadway days. She’s taken in by the memory and goes into a gorgeous and fun dance sequence.

This scene shows Minnelli’s talent and how agile, young, and strong her body was. She is extra fierce in this scene. She is pure magic.

As I watched her onstage in the wheelchair, it hit me that we are all fragile and no one is exempt from physical changes and aging.

It made me so grateful to still be young and healthy. It gave me some perspective.

Even though Minnelli’s spirit is vibrant (and she’s freakin’ adorable!), she can’t enjoy that physical vibrancy anymore.

Let’s all take a second and just enjoy where we are right now. Because it will change and so will our bodies.

2. We can all afford to be more compassionate and tender.

The care Lady Gaga displayed to make sure Minnelli was comfortable and knew what to do next reminded me of a protective parent or caregiver. She was selfless and truly showed class.

All of us will have times when we require tenderness and careful assistance. And when we have a chance to give it? What a gift.

You could feel Gaga’s deep admiration and love for Minnelli.

This exchange between them also revealed Minnelli’s inner child and innocence, which reminded me of the cycle of life.

We come in innocent and we leave with a wealth of experiences, even if we return to being physically dependent.

All of us require support, even if we have physical health. And when we give that support to another, we can remember to add some tenderness.

If we enjoy physical autonomy and freedom, we have a lot to celebrate.

Let’s remember that all of us want the same things: love, safety, support, a feeling of belonging, and a sense of purpose.

The sweetness between these two women was so needed right now and I am grateful for that. It showed that there is room for all of us and to celebrate another does not diminish our own light—it expands it.

I think I’ll be watching “Stepping” Out tonight.


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author: Elizabeth Gordon

Image: Twitter/Los Angeles Times

Editor: Lisa Erickson