April 11, 2022

John Oliver knows how to Protect our Private Data & certain Politicians might be Extremely Nervous Right Now.

Our data isn’t private, but that also applies to politicians and their browsing history.

And that already gives us a clue on how to achieve more privacy on the internet.

In his latest episode, John Oliver explains the shady business of so-called data brokers. These companies have access to our browsing history, social networks, and locations.

While most of us are aware that there is no privacy on the internet, many of us like to ignore that this could be used against us.

It’s one thing if we get targeted by a marketing company that wants to promote a new beverage or food item, but it’s a different story when advertisements are based on someone’s dating app history.

Unfortunately, politicians are also using our private data to run their campaigns. It’s not in their interest to change laws or limit their own access to valuable information on potential voters.

Unless a smart dude running a TV show ruins the party—and that’s exactly what Oliver did.

John Oliver points out that Conservatives were pretty quick on changing the laws on private data in the 80s. Back then, it was about the rental history at video rental stores. We all know what they were worried about.

Imagine how scared someone like Matt Gaetz might be about his browsing history? Who knows what kind of guilty pleasures a man like Ted Cruz searches for on the internet? And let’s not forget about January 6th and the ongoing investigations.

Let’s not forget that Gaetz, Cruz, and other Republicans also have the right to secretly search stuff on the internet. I am not advocating exposing any of them.

And Oliver isn’t doing that either. Instead, he makes a fair offer to any politician who might be worried about his or her private data.

Watch the latest episode of “Last Week Tonight” and find out:



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Image: LastWeek Tonight/YouTube Screenshot