How is this a car commercial?
First of all, I disagree with the premise. Behind closed doors, behind your backs, ladies, I can’t remember hearing guys speak out in admiration and longing for their loved one to alter themselves surgically. As we’ve covered, here, boob jobs (and respect to you if that’s your choice, just do it for yourself, not us) are iffy, can be dangerous, and will require pricey maintenance. Before making such a choice, you should be aware of those dangers.
Secondly, if I was 12 and loved the premise, I wouldn’t be able to buy your car. And I wouldn’t be sure why a woman’s fake breasts would make me think your car was better, and worth buying.
Thirdly, this youtube comment:“Ferrari / Fiat explodes no recall or payout and imminent fiery death.
PIP breast implants explodes no recall or payout and imminent leaking chemical death.”
Sex Sells? Who says?
Click to 1:20:
The Fiat commercial clearly influenced by:
Which in turn was influenced by: fuzzier version, but with the correct song:
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