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May 14, 2022

Not Young but Not Done

So I started a blog.  Or at least I think I did.  Honestly the process has exhausted me.  But I wanted to shout in to the weird darkness that is the age after 50 and before, well, that moving target that is “old”.

Full disclosure, when I turned 50 I immediately applied for an AARP card.  Turns out the best bennies don’t kick in until 65.  So here I am.  Old enough to be a member of AARP but young enough not to qualify for any of the good discounts.  Old enough to be a parent to adult children and young enough to still have fun with them.  Old enough…young enough…honestly I don’t know.

So that’s what this blog will be about.  Navigating that weird time that no one ever prepared you for.  These weird in between years.  I hope you’ll come along?.

That’s an emoji.  Apparently I need to use more of them because my words aren’t complete without an indication of my mood while writing them.  We’ll talk about it.

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