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May 31, 2022

Observing the integration of the Spiritual and Material; A Consolidation or a Dilution?

Before I became established as an Intuitive Coach and Angel Channeller I used to work as a Fundraiser. During the span of my career I helped to raise £2 million for projects that supported young unaccompanied asylum seeking children, for forest therapy walks. For a community cafe; among others. Over the last eight years I have kept my hand in fund raising part time for some charities, and also focused on establishing Celestial Coaching Ltd.

Ironically I did not realise that fundraising and developing new projects used skills of manifestation. My work helped to bring dreams to concrete reality. Yet in my mind there was a huge divide between fundraising and manifesting.

The reason that I am mentioning this is because of something that happened on the 30th of January this year that impacted upon me.

On that day I happened to walk the Patterdale dog (whose name is Flo) in Central London. We went along the Mall, through St James Park, passed Buckingham Palace, up through Green Park, passed by the Ritz and around Piccadilly. The route took me past the famous Fortnum and Masons. There was a large sign in one window “Practice Winefulness.” In the next window “Let Your Light Shine” (with candles) and then “Find Happiness Within” (next to hampers).

These signs caused me to do a double take. After all I was not on my facebook page, nor was I standing outside Watkins Books (the oldest esoteric bookshop in London), where one day a week I sit enthroned plying my trade as an Angel Channeller, intuitive coach.

I was outside Fortnum and Masons. Who had made the assumption that the word Mindfulness was so integrated into the mainstream that everyone would understand the joke “Practice Winefulness.” Likewise the insights “Let Your Light Shine,” and “Find Happiness Within,” OK tongue in cheek but suddenly sufficiently non woo woo to be afforded visibility in Fortnum and Mason.

In all honesty my first reaction was dismay. Somewhere I felt that I had been robbed. However I then altered my perspective and consciously chose to be Hopeful and Trust. Surely  it is only through holding the light of sacred teachings, through integration and compassion that will we move to a more equitable and just world.

The shift within me that the window displays bought was that I realised that I has permission to regard the mainstream and metaphysical worlds in a holistic way. Why had I made an assumption that Fundraising and Intuitive Coaching were disparate and divided? I had felt that I could not acknowledge spirituality within the more conventional world of fundraising and be taken seriously. I saw that if Fortnum and Mason could join the party then I most certainly could too. Therefore over the last months I have worked to refine and redevelop my practice in relation to manifesting and abundance. I wanted to further strengthen ideas, to ground them and give them a greater chance of coming into being. To be able to powerfully combine together the techniques and best practice of both worlds: the mainstream and the metaphysical (in an ethical way of course).

Because I wanted clarification I asked ‘my’ Angel CB for insight. This was the reply :“Indeed it is the case that the vibration of the world lifts. The Spiritual and Material intertwine. It serves you to uphold the Purity of faith. And to Trust. Know that You are Loved.”

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