I’m not young anymore, it’s enough for me all the experiences of life that I’ve had prove to me that I’m much better off alone.
I am writing this does not apply to other people because each person has a different point of view and a different story.
I always give a chance to everyone who wants to know me, close to me because simple, I never like generalize anyone. They are different individuals and each has different characteristics.
The question to them is always the same whenever they want more… Can you understand me the same like how I understand you?
It was always difficult for them to answer that because in the end time proved to me and them that, I can understand them but they ? not necessarily.
Learn to figure out the meaning of the word “understand”. That word is always heard but difficult to applied. It’s not necessarily that you’re old then that makes you more able to understand other than those who are much younger than you.
Many times I crossed paths with those who were much older than me but their nature was more childish than me.
All of that eventually got me to a point where I stopped giving others a chance. It’s not that I’m generalizing but that’s because I don’t want to keep hurting myself.
They can get everything from me but don’t ask me to do the same for them. In the end they will never understand me.
For someone who has mental issues like me, it’s never been easy for me to be able to give chance for others but sometimes they are too stubborn. They won’t listen to me.
They never know for someone who has mental issues, their mentally and physically already messed up.
When they are given a warning, they ignore it but over time, the issue starts to bother them because they think I am the one that who always create drama or exaggerate.
Don’t ask for more if in the end you can’t handle it, especially if what you are dealing with is another human being.
For someone who has been deeply hurt like me, it’s hard for me to heal myself. It took me a very long time to figure out everything.
Because I’m not asking for anything, just don’t hurt me out of because you want to and feel challenged for it. You don’t know who you’re up against.
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