December 18, 2009

“I Come Here Today not to Talk, but to Act.” Obama’s Speech in Copenhagen.

Update: Breaking News @nytimes White House Announces ‘Meaningful’ Climate Deal http://bit.ly/74CTDz

President Obama in Copenhagen. The full speech.

65% of Americans say Climate Change is a problem.

“We intend to meet that responsibility.” Read a great summation of what’s going on in the New York Times, including obstacles (China and transparency) and Obama’s surprising seriousness of purpose.

From Newsweek: “No U.S. president has ever squarely confronted the U.S.’s impact on global climate, currently responsible for about a quarter of the world’s emissions.”

“President Barack Obama has arrived in Copenhagen for the U.N. Climate summit, but it appears that a deal will not happen. Talks between developed and developing countries continue to be at an impasse. (Dec. 18)” ~ AP

The Full Speech in Copenhagen:

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