May 28, 2012

TEDxMileHigh 2012 Weekend Preview: Ideas Worth Spreading. ~ Kavitha Thimmaiah

Get ready for a weekend of innovation, education, inspiration and action.

Denver’s own TEDxMileHigh events take place May 31st through June 2nd. This year’s weekend of events focus on the theme “Risk & Reward,” and will surely spark deep discussion and connection in the community.

TEDxMileHigh is an independently organized, local event that is held in the spirit of ideas worth spreading. The event is related to TED, an international non-profit and features Colorado maverick thinkers and doers, big-time athletes, entrepreneurs and innovators, humanitarians, creative performers and many more extraordinary people who give the “talk of their lives” around the power of ideas.

Here’s a peek at the schedule of events:

Thursday, May 31st—X-clusive Kickoff Reception

As a way to offer more opportunities to connect with speakers, TEDxMileHigh will hold a special kickoff reception at RedLine Denver on Thursday, May 31st, from 6 to 9 p.m. This is a chance to network with TEDxMileHigh speakers, partners and producers as well as catch a sneak peak at the traveling exhibition organized by Art Works for Change, entitled Off the Beaten Path: Violence, Women and Art.

The exhibit, which brings together the work of 26 internationally known contemporary artists is intended to inspire the belief that communities can change a culture of violence. Space is limited for this event so purchase your tickets today at TedxMileHigh 2012.

Friday, June 1st – TEDxYouth@MileHigh

This free event is open to students aged 12 to 22. TEDxYouth@MileHigh will take place Friday, June 1st from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House. The event will mirror the main TEDxMileHigh 2012 event with talks from local leaders and videos about ideas worth spreading.

The program will challenge students to think critically about their lives, communities and own leadership. Among the presenters are international social entrepreneur Bianca Griffith, five-time cancer survivor and comedian Woody Roseland, and slam poetry trio Slam Nuba.

Space is limited and pre-registration is recommended. For more details and free tickets, visit TedxMileHigh Youth.

Saturday, June 2nd—TEDxMileHigh 2012: Risk & Reward

All the events lead up to the main event on Saturday, June 2nd at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.

The TEDxMileHigh 2012: Risk & Reward speaker line up is packed with a diverse set of speakers. Only at this event can you hear from Olympian Jeremy Bloom, outstanding slam poetry trio Slam Nuba, Iranian-born artist and photographer Laura Merage, oilman and philanthropist Timothy Marquez and many more.

Want to see what you can expect at a TEDxMileHigh event? Watch this talk from Robyn O’Brien on Patriotism on a Plate from last year’s event:

Exhibits Lounge—New Feature

Also new this year is the TEDxMileHigh Exhibits Lounge. Open June 1st and 2ndto both TEDxMileHigh 2012 and TEDxYouth@MileHigh attendees, the Exhibits Lounge will showcase technology demonstrations, new products and creative works in an interactive, social space. Featured spaces include:

>>Projects Zone: A place where attendees can share their “big ideas.”


>>The Garage: An incubator where work and play converge and where ideas become prototypes. Attendees have the chance to meet the minds behind emerging innovative products that reflect the bold, courageous Colorado spirit, including mountain bikes, skis, sport nutritional products, and more.


>>TEDxMileHigh Book Store: A zone featuring books from TEDxMileHigh speakers as well as those curated by TED and TEDxMileHigh. A number of authors will be on hand to autograph books.


>>Coffee Station: A grouping of top local baristas and roasters who will introduce attendees to the nuanced joys of exceptional coffee.



Speakers Banquet—New Feature

If you happen to want more “x,” cap off your TEDxMileHigh experience on Saturday, June 2nd from 7 to 9 p.m. by attending the TEDxMileHigh Speakers Banquet at Kevin Taylor’s at the Opera House. Think of this as an exclusive opportunity to continue discussing the power of great ideas with TEDxMileHigh 2012 speakers and performers over dinner, complemented by live entertainment. This event and is available only to TEDxMileHigh Patrons. Tickets are extremely limited and available at TedxMileHigh 2012.

Still not convinced that TEDxMileHigh is for you? Wet your appetite with this Paul Polak’s talk on The Future Corporation. A presenter at TEDxMileHigh 2011, Paul details the tremendous shared value that lies within product and system design and distribution.


If you are ready to be challenged, inspired, and take big risks purchase a ticket to TEDxMileHigh 2012. You will be rewarded greatly.

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Edited by Hayley Samuelson/Kate Bartolotta


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