You can’t operate a successful business without developing strong connections with people. Having these connections will allow you to build a deeper understanding of your customers and develop effective strategies to connect with them.
The first step in establishing a strong relationship is introducing yourself. This is usually the hardest part, but it’s also the most beneficial part as it allows you to build a deeper understanding of the people who are interested in your business. One of the most common reasons people build strong relationships is because they discover you through something that you’ve created.
In order to create an authentic relationship, you need to identify common ground and decide how you can add value, whether through your connections, resources, or expertise. For growth to take place customer service must be excellent. Every time you interact with a potential client or peer you want them to walk away feeling like they just had an above-average interaction.
Depending on your industry it may be a good idea to partner with other businesses or entrepreneurs. Support the places and people that you cherish by promoting them to others. Furthermore, look for opportunities to connect businesses or individuals that you think may benefit from one another. There are always creative ways to bundle ourselves together- as the saying goes, there is power in numbers!
It’s important to note that the focus should be on the relational value as opposed to a transactional one. Cultivate your network.. When you learn what drives people it’s much easier to be of service. If possible, schedule face-to-face time and call periodically to check-in. People remember how you make them feel, so make the people around you feel appreciated and understood.
Of course, the key to relationships is establishing credibility and building trust. You should be committed to others’ success and avoid competing when you can. Focus on that mutual success, be honest, and great things can happen.
At the end of the day, being clear and consistent will get you far. Your personal values should be established on day one and they shouldn’t falter. In order to be a leader in any industry you have to be willing to hire, fire, lose money, and make the tough decisions. When you form authentic professional relationships it allows you to share your vision and your values with those around you, which in turn, promotes success.
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