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August 12, 2022

Hail to the Chief!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.

It was 2am, the day after Super Tuesday. The votes were still being counted as I slept. I had this crazy nightmare Trump was giving his acceptance speech as the new POTUS on my TV. The sad part is I was awake and it wasn’t a dream, but reality. I lay there in my clutter filled room wondering what just happened. I went back to sleep pondering my next step and woke up the next day with a plan.

Life had been a big joke prior to that November night in 2016. I left behind chat sites without even a goodbye, purged my facebook page of all trolls and Trump Supporters. I stopped listening to Howard Stern and Opie & Anthony. These men made fodder of racism, sexism and homophobia. I didn’t find it funny anymore. That kind of thing led to this clown being in the White House. I had to get prepared for the circus that followed.

I began listening to the fact based radio shows and TV I knew about. NPR, Urban View, Democracy Now and Frontline were what filled my days. When people had questions. I didn’t want just jokes. I wanted to be able to educate.

I thank God for Trump. He was the kick in the ass that woke me up, got me to church and into effective therapy. Which led me to real knowledge of what true Social Justice was and what true support looked like. It wasn’t self-effacing humor or trolling people. It was building folks up and creating a supportive, loving, community.

Trump not only led me to a more nuanced, no nonsense mindset. His impact made me realize I couldn’t be the closed off and distant type of man Trump attracted. This led me not just to a closer relationship with my friends. But a new love, who would become my wife.

So, I thank God for Trump. Good things do sometimes come in the most unexpected packages.

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