My Father’s Spirit came to me unexpectedly on a cold December evening in 2020. I had the ‘sense’ something really cool was outside my window. An owl, maybe? We get owls as I live by the park and they hunt the mice there. Or perhaps a cougar in the alley? I once saw one. The cougars come for the deer that live in Ross Bay Cemetery at the end of my street…
When I looked out my window I saw something amazing. So very much beyond words (but I will try).
My first impulse was fear—straight primal fear. I thought: ‘ Infinite alien, I am toast!’.
But pretty much immediately I recognized that this infinite energy field was indeed my Father. We communicated via a ‘fast-moving feelings download system’…Dad rippled like water, yet was a field of stars. He was the Universe. All of it. Yet he was also very much himself in every way (right down to a lingering love of Fats Waller!).
What can one say when someone’s Spirit downloads 60 trillion memories from HIS point-of-view? It was completely overwhelming to experience my Father in this way. I can’t possibly do Justice to the understanding I have gained. I can, however, mark down a few of Dad’s memories:
—In Winter 1963 in London, it felt like the World would freeze. During one particularly heavy snowfall a number of people froze to death in their cars. Dad took it as an omen.
Dad checked out a govt. film for emigrating to Canada: giant trees in vast forests; R.C.M.P. Officers with red outfits; a large island where it almost never snowed. Sold!
And what about Mother? You downloaded a mountain of memories about her.
How I had to understand there was more than the sometimes dissatisfied housewife of my childhood. Mom was fun and very vibrant as a young woman. The mystery. The drama. She had a pet wolf instead of a dog. Spoke five languages. Lied and said she was a Nurse when you first met her (really she washed dishes).
How much fun you both had: spending on dinners and going to plays. At the same time, struggling to keep the heat on. Dad’s London of the early 1960s. Treasured memories!
You had some good reasons to chose Mom. She was artistic. She could decorate an apt. or house/home like nobody’s business! She collected incredible eclectic mixtures of Beautiful objects. I would inherit Mom’s love of Art, poetry, books, the odd and the borderline bizarre.
Thank you for the house, Dad. It was a fantastic place to call home. Only several acres, it always seemed and felt absolutely immense when I was a child.
It’s about Love was your main message. Life that is. And the afterlife too!
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