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September 3, 2022

4 Reasons You Should Invest in a Mentor

Since you’re reading this on Elephant Journal, I’ll safely assume you’ve seen the hype on the ‘mentor’ or ‘coaching’ industry. In the wellness world, it seems that just about everyone these days is offering coaching, mentorship, or selling programs. I know it might seem over-saturated and you might seem skeptical…

But here me out…

Coming from someone who was once a skeptic, I want to honestly share that hiring mentors was one of the key catalysts for my healing, growth, and evolutionary journey.

So if you’ve been on the fence… I get it. And this one’s for you:

Here are 4 reasons why you should invest in a mentor:

1. They show you what’s possible.

Having someone in your life who is embodying the qualities you want to embody… Well simply BEING AROUND THEM, you automatically start to embody those same qualities.

It is a FACT that you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. 

If we KNOW this to be true… then the logical thing to do would be to surround yourself with people you desire to be like.

When I meet someone who inspires me, I don’t think “Oh wow… they are so cool. I wish I could do that… I wish I could be like that.” 

No. My mind goes to: “Wow. They inspire me. How can I surround myself with them / people like them? How can I get myself a seat at the table with them so I can learn up close? Does she have a podcast? Does she offer programs? Can I binge watch a tv show about her? Can I hire her?” 

Get yourself a seat at the table. Figure out a way to get up close and personal with a person living the life you want to live. This is a game changer.

2. Consistency

Having a mentor requires you to be consistent. Depending on what type of program / mentor you hire, you’ll probably be held accountable to show up at least weekly for a certain amount of time. (In my mentorship we meet weekly for 6 months, to give an example).

When you are making shifts in your life, it doesn’t matter what you do once or twice. What matters is what you do consistently.

Who you are, is who you are consistently.  Period.

You probably have had breakthroughs on your own… but how often can you continue doing it over and over and stabilize into your next level? This is when a mentor holding you accountable comes into play.

If you’ve been experiencing burnout, fluctuations, self doubts, starter limbo from being paralyzed in fears… High high’s followed by low lows…

Or maybe you experience a breakthrough and ride a high for a while, but then you dip down and disappear off of the face of the Earth for a while… this is not okay!

You are needed here! Your light, your love, your wisdom, YOU are needed here.

So do what you need to do in order to be here.

Please don’t disappear off the face of the Earth and give up. Hire the mentor so you can be held responsible in STAYING HERE. In showing up. In being consistent.

Yes, you will still fluctuate. Yes, you will still doubt yourself. But rather than going through the fluctuations alone and taking MONTHS of time to recalibrate back… with a mentor you’re committed to, and meeting with say weekly, you can calibrate back faster and bounce back in less time.

3. Spending money on yourself

The third reason you should hire a mentor is because it requires you to spend money on yourself.

Here me out…

Spending money on yourself requires you to upgrade in three ways:

  1. You upgrade your self worth
  2. Your money holds you accountable
  3. You have the opportunity to heal your relationship with money.

Every time you spend money on yourself, you are sending a strong signal to the universe that you are worth it. Investing in myself has been one of the greatest catalysts for me in my self-love, self-worth journey.

This, honestly, is the best gift you could ever give to yourself.

The second piece about why you should spend money on yourself, is that it holds you accountable. 

Here’s the interesting thing about money…

If it was free, you probably wouldn’t care as much.

If it was cheap, your subconscious mind LITERALLY is convinced that it’s not worth as much, and you might not even care to show up!

Your investment is one of the main reasons you show up consistently. And because it is a stretchy investment, it will require you to stretch. 

I always tell my clients: “if the investment feels stretchy –AMAZING! That means you are going to stretch.” 

Your mind instantly goes to… “Well I don’t want to lose this investment, I better show up and take notes and soak up every minute!”

You show up, you take notes, you implement and execute. Period.

You also get the opportunity to heal your relationship with money.

Just a couple of years ago, when investing in myself my mind would feel scared, guilty, unworthy, confused…

I started really working on my money mindset. I started believing that I could love money, that money could love me, that I could have a secure relationship with money rather than anxious attached (my attachment style… yes your attachment style reflects in your relationship with money).

Now, after investing in myself over and over again, I have begun to heal my relationship to money, & now I genuinely CELEBRATE when I make a scary, stretchy investment on myself.

4. You upgrade your relationship to trust

The last reason I’ll share with you today on why you should hire a mentor, is it invites you to upgrade your relationship to trust.

When you invest in a mentor, you’re taking a risk:

“Will this work?”
“What will change?”
“What shifts will happen in my life?”
“Am I ready?”

It’s scary to make a big commitment, like 6 months working with a mentor, because you know a lot is about to change. And you probably don’t have any idea what that will look like.

You are required to lean into the unknown.
Every part of you will be required to trust.

Trust — not just in your mentor and your decision.
But mostly trust in yourself. In who you are, in what you want, trusting in your vision, your dream, your goals…

Believe me — I know this can feel scary.
It is much easier to stay the same.
To play small. To go through life comfortable.

Like Marianne Williamson says…

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” 

There you have it.
No more playing small. 

Say yes to the dress. Hire the mentor. Start the business. Take the leap.

I promise you won’t regret it…

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