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September 9, 2022

Making Connections with Colleagues You Haven’t Met

Photo by Michelangelo Buonarroti on Pexels.

As more people transition back to the workplace, it can be challenging to make connections. Many people haven’t met each other, yet they may have been working with the company for some time. New remote employees learned all about their job from home, while others may have been in the office.

Studies show that workers around the country are nervous about making the transition. It is important to come up with ways for employees to make connections with colleagues they haven’t met.

Use the Buddy System

One onboarding tool that can be useful is the workplace buddy system. You can connect employees with a buddy, and they can help with onboarding and introduction to the workplace. If you already have a buddy system, try to reconnect former buddies as they return. In the buddy system, introductions are facilitated, and people learn more about company culture and how things are done.

Reintroduce People

Let employees know that they should reintroduce themselves to other employees as they return. Don’t assume that everyone remembers everyone else, and connecting in person is different from connecting remotely. Organize a coffee hour and encourage everyone to wear a nametag to make it less awkward as they get to know each other in person.

Create Activities

Create activities right away as people return, including team-building exercises. Have an after-work happy hour, a company picnic, or a team lunch. This is a great way for people to become comfortable engaging at work once again.

Continue Traditions Used Remotely

When people were working from home, you had virtual coffee hours and other traditions that helped people connect. Continue those traditions in person. This allows others still at home to connect, and it helps continue the routine that people have grown accustomed to.

Help People Feel Comfortable

Change is always stressful, and it is important to do whatever you can to make sure that people are comfortable as they transition back to the workplace. They may be nervous because many details are no longer habits. As people get their bearings again, be patient and do whatever you can to reassure them. It will take some time, but patience will lead to the greatest productivity.

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