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November 24, 2022

Giving thanks – not for everyone.

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As we embark on the Thanksgiving holiday, I cannot help but think of those who may not have much to be thankful for.

It’s easy for some of us to joyfully declare that there is always something to be grateful for, no matter how dire our situation may seem.

We’re alive! We woke up this morning! We can make this day anything we want it to be!

But those of us who are proclaiming that have a roof over our head, heat in our homes, and food on our table. We awoke with a pain or an ache, maybe two or more, but we put our feet on the floor and started our day with gratitude.

We counted our blessings. Then we started complaining.

Do we have enough food? Is our house clean enough? Will the turkey turn out well? Will our cousin remember the crackers and cheese? Will the variety in desserts be enough?

What will I wear? I didn’t have time to dust, oh but I do have to clean the bathroom and mop the floors! So much to do.

What a blessing.

Yes, as we all complain about the many things we ‘have to do’, may we take a moment and be reminded that those ‘chores’ are a blessing. The self-imposed pressure that results in exhaustion is usually superficial in nature.

Sorry to burst your bubble – but it is. How fortunate are we to stress out about such trivial things.

We won’t wake up cold.

We won’t wonder where we will find breakfast.

We won’t obsess about what we must wear because we will want nothing more than socks to keep our feet warm.

But if you’re not us:

We will resent those who wish us a happy Thanksgiving, because we haven’t quite figured out what there is to be happy about.

We don’t have family. We don’t have friends.

We don’t have much of anything, yet you want us to find something to be grateful for then judge us when we can’t.

This Thanksgiving, may we truly recognize what the homeless, the low-income, and those in despair are experiencing on this day. Some are without a place to live. Others are without adequate food. And some are alone – no family, no friends, no one to call their own.

So, when you complain about your cantankerous cousin or domineering parents, your moody friends and nosy neighbors – at least you have them. Someone else would give anything for what you have.

And that is why you should give thanks on this very special day.

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