Habits are all around us, and it’s hard to break them. We tend to start each day at the same time, get coffee in the morning, and brush our teeth at the same time. It takes a lot of work to make new healthy lifestyle changes.
According to behavioral scientists, many people make resolutions that are not feasible. For instance, we make bold statements about wanting to lose weight or exercise, but we do not follow through with the necessary steps to reach this goal. Several tips can help people develop new healthy habits.
Tie New Habits To Old Ones
According to experts, the best way to start a new habit is by tying it to an existing one. They suggest looking for patterns in your life and using them to create new positive habits.
One of the most important factors people can consider when developing new habits is their morning routine. For many people, this is their strongest habit. For instance, a cup of coffee can help them start a meditation practice. On the other hand, while brushing your teeth, you can take advantage of the opportunity to do some balance training.
We tend to fall into end-of-day patterns. For instance, try doing a yoga pose daily if you are always on the couch after work.
Begin With Small Habits
According to B.J. Fogg of Stanford University, a person usually needs a high level of motivation to make a significant change in their behavior. He suggests starting small, and doing so will allow them to make the desired changes easily. For instance, if people take a short walk every day, they can improve their health.
Make it Daily
A new habit should be practiced every day. A study by British researchers asked participants to choose a simple routine they would like to start, such as drinking water at lunchtime or walking before eating at dinner. The researchers noted that the average time it took for people to become automatic was around 18 to 24 days.
The key to making new habits stick is starting with something easy to do, which will help you develop a lasting and effective practice. For instance, instead of trying to go to the gym three times a week, people can start doing small exercise routines such as walking or yoga every day.
Make it Easy To Do
Researchers believe that people are more likely to start new habits when they can clear out the obstacles that prevent them from making the desired changes.
Celebrate Your Success
A critical aspect of habit formation is to reward yourself. For instance, brushing your teeth can be an immediate reward, but some rewards, such as weight loss, can take a long time to show up. This is why it is vital to build rewards to help people develop their habits. For instance, if you’re running, try listening to audiobooks while doing so or watching a cooking show on the treadmill.
This article was originally published on Herrick Lipton’s website.
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