December 31, 2022

What’s important to remember on the morning of January the First.

Some people like to say, “New Year’s doesn’t matter.”

On the other hand, some people like to say, “New Year, New me!”

Some people love New Year’s Resolutions.

Some people try them, and fail at keeping them within the first week or two.

Some people, like myself, don’t bother.

Some people mark the passing of time, for death can come without warning, life is precious, and this is a camp I set a tent up in. (Here’s the Buddhist Four Reminders for living each day fully).

Some people love to party, to get rowdy. To kiss a loved one at midnight, to sing Auld Lang Syne (I love it, here’s how to sing it, and what it means, which is important). That’s me, some years.

Some people love to watch the ball drop from the comfort of their couch, champagne in hand, and holler out into the cold night with all the other neighbors, howling like wolves 10! 9! 8!, 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Yeeaaar! That’s me, on other years.

Whatever side of the fence we’re on, cynicism or exuberance, coziness or resolve…what’s important is to acknowledge the hard times so many of us had, this past year. To come together in helpful caring present eye-contactful community, this year. To care.

To make mindful needed changes that are based in our basic goodness, in who we are, not in trying to be “other,” “better,” which is based in a subtle self-aggression.

What’s important is to use this random meaningless demarcation of a year turning over a leaf mid-Winter…to remember to care.

To take a fresh, deep breath. To try again. To reopen our hearts, to look backward and appreciate and learn, to look forward and chart a course.

To care about being good people, about trying, about healing, about climate crisis, about facts over social media comments, about equal rights for all, about animals, about plastic to-go culture, about our friends (text them, reach out), about those we may not think about as friends (baristas, waiters, the homeless, the dogwalker, the kindly old lady who plays backgammon—those who are a part of the fabric of our daily lives who we might take for granted), even about our enemies, once in awhile.

So here’s the Buddha’s Four New Year’s Resolutions, that are in a way un-Resolutions.

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