January 23, 2023

5 Types of People we all Need in our Life.

Sometimes it’s hard to identify the types of people we don’t need in our life.

Bonus: Buddhism’s 7 Aryan Riches. 

It usually takes us many disappointments and heartbreaks before we know who to allow into our personal space. For instance, I know I don’t connect with those who are fake, manipulators, and opportunists. I’ve had my share of them, and while some of them are still in my life, I feel inclined to keep my distance.

The truth is I’m still learning what types of people I should have in my life. When I look at my relationships closely, I can feel who is genuine and who is not and who truly cares and who doesn’t.

And so to lead a happier life, I know that I need to be careful who I surround myself with. I should remove my rose-colored glasses and choose the people who are good for my mental health.

The older I grow, the more I become certain that I need to have these five types of people in my life:

1. The ones who truly care. These people genuinely love us and would do anything for us. They show up when we need them and would never bail on us. If you have someone in your life who truly cares, keep them close. Appreciate them. Genuinely love them back.

2. The ones who make me laugh. Never underestimate someone who brings laughter and joy into your life. Someone who puts their problems on hold and sinks in the present moment with you. Someone who laughs at your silly jokes. Appreciate their humor and make more memories with them.

3. The ones who inspire me. Those people are rare, but they’re a gem. Having conversations with them or being with them—even if for a few moments—easily spark inspiration. They open your mind to new ideas and information and make you see things in a new light.

4. The ones who support me. They believe in you, no matter what you do or say. They support you—emotionally and mentally. They guide you, invest in you, and motivate you. This type of people genuinely wants the best for you and constantly helps you to achieve it.

5. The ones who understand me. Many people love you, but only a few might truly understand you. Whatever you say or do, they instantly get it and know what you deeply want/need/mean. Those people are usually empathetic, and having them in your life is a true blessing.

What kind of people do you want in your own life?


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels