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July 15, 2023

The Truth of You

Bombarding our pre frontal cortex, a kaleidoscope of modern day propaganda; billboards and filtered archetypes, successful professionals, boho beautiful yogis, next to the broken child calling out for help from a backdrop of micro and macro trauma. Where did society go wrong and how did we as individuals let this happen?

It starts with the family. We are born roaring into the world not knowing limitations, not anticipating rejection but ferociously demanding the love and nuture we feel in our bodies to be the right thing for us. The hunger is our stomachs and the need to be held/soothed/loved comes from a fundamental need of suvival, our nervous system knows it and will shift from states of demand from peaceflness  to get it, whether and how this is achieved will set up our attachments of further expectations in life and so the journey begins…..Babies are sentient beings, feeling is everything, we now know how important touch is for new born premature babies, the FEELing of belonging, of being held still stimulates parts of the brain which are essential for emotional regulation. So when did thinking override feeling? Well let’s think about this….something happens to us where a need was not met and we experience inside of us that this was because of us in some way and a belief about ourselves is born. Usually along the lines of I am not worthy of love, I am not seen and  therefore not enough. If our pain is not held by our care givers we learn that pain is a tragedy, something to be afraid of and something we must at all costs avoid. We detach, we disconnect….we forget who are truly are.

Insecurity makes world rich; preying on the little whispers that come from within, reinforcing the buried wounds so many of us carry from our ancestors; that we are not enough.

How do we shift from reaction to reflection to feel into and integrate within our authentic selves?

How do we raise our awareness from the dull noise seeping into our consciousness from the motorway of sensory traffic, like the covert narcissist’s gaslighting murmuring in your ear slicing away at your self esteem layer by layer? Pulling you from one lane to another on a race track with no particular end, just round and round until you lose sight of the destination but you keep going nonetheless.

What would happen if you jumped out of the car and into the realm of you. Just you. The FELT you. Moving from the race track into the realm of the Body to witness and experience the layers of Truth. Feeling into the story the body holds, holding compassion for the heaviness of the shadow, the painful memories, sticky and dense, finding joy in the heart space and the shifting of relief. Underlying all of this with no agenda, no need for discernment, no discourse, encompassing all that is without being anything is for me authenticity.

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