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March 13, 2023



A funny subject

To which I can speak

Too many times

I let it leak

Keeping things quiet

Is it that hard?

To the vest

I keep my trump card

When the emotions

Get the best of you

Let myself feel them

Through and through

See others trying

To find some light

At the end of their tunnel

Fighting a fight

A journey thru the self

Where to begin?

Discover the ocean

Lying within

We all have demons

With bright red eyes

Those bastards we have

As we realize

Two things that drive us

Is pleasure and pain

But it goes much deeper

Study the rain

Spent a longtime

Locked up in thunder

Will I one day

Get away from the blender?

Stop and take stock

Of my bitter past

And if I’m smart

Maybe I’ll to ask

The questions are grand

Here I’ll begin

Start in the middle

Anywhere is a win

I will make a suggestion

And offer Tao

Not as religion

But a book of how

My Tao book

Is fifteen years old

Within its pages

My story is told

This book is strange

Twisted little words

Figuring them out

Can be for the birds

But once you get

The first passage written

You’re hooked for the ages

And the lessons within

365 Tao

Lies on the shelf

Of some old bookstore

In the area of “self”

Get this book

Read it for years

I know it can help

It may cause some tears

The work is unending

A journal you’ll need

But the lessons within

Will stop the bleed

It won’t make you thin

Give you beauty or fame

It will tell you how

To live life’s game

So, if you’re up

For a lot of insight

Get the book

And stop your fight

Pick it up

Start with “encumbrances”

A great beginning

To start your branches

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CARRIE TEMPLEMAN  |  Contribution: 560