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March 19, 2023

The problem isn’t YOU, its NOT YOU

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The Problem isn’t YOU it’s NOT YOU

You live in a world where success seems like an illusory goal of checking off the boxes that you are told will make you successful, happy and fulfilled.  But yet… you don’t feel that way.

But what if the problem isn’t you? What if the problem is that you do not understand who you really are and your purpose in the world? In this article, you will learn why the problem isn’t you and explore ways to succeed despite the obstacles that stand in your way. By recognizing the true causes of failure and applying the Five Shifts, you can learn to overcome your limitations and reach your full potential.


Does this sound like you?

  • If  only you worked harder
  • If only you had more clients
  • If only you had more time
  • Feeling like you will never make it

If any of those sound like you then you are in the right place.  The good news is none of these are the real problem; the real problem is you have not made the shifts.. you do not know the formula yet.  I want to invite you to play along with me for a few moments because a lot of what I will be sharing with you, your logical mind will want to reject because it is probably a new and foreign concept to you.  So my ask is to drop preconceived notions of what you THINK is the problem and try something new.

I invite you to explore The Five Shifts of the traumApothecary Method in order to unlock your potential and empower yourself to achieve your goals.

Let’s start by talking about what trauma is and what that means for you.  Trauma has become a hot topic over the past couple of years and it seems like everyone has something to say about it and even more so an identification to trauma… First, I want to preface by saying that this conversation is in no way meant to undermine or ignore trauma with a capital T.  This is for the purpose of self development and growth to understand oneself and how one operates in the world around them.

With that being said, in TA, I teach that everyone has trauma, yes, even you.

In TA, I teach that everyone has trauma and  we refer to as our conditioning.  That means experiences from womb to the present day are shaping you in some way.  Whether you realize it or not, these experiences can have a critical impact on who you are and how you show up in the world.  You know the saying, the first step is acknowledging you have a  problem, right?  So this is very similar, the first step is awareness that there is CONDITIONING, right.  If we go through life just on the flow of what we are told to do and be then we are giving our power away and letting the reigns of our life be in someone else’s hands and I am here to tell you that YOU have the reigns and you can redirect whenever you want.

Which brings me to step 1 of the TA Method: Awareness.

Shift #1: You must become aware

The first step on your path to recovery of your conditioning is to become aware of what is going on around you.  Awareness allows you to observe from a neutral place and recognize something is not how you want it.  From there you can navigate through life as an intentional co-creator consciously CHOOSING what serves you or not in your life.

The challenge for most people is the conditioning in which your environment has taught you to be anything BUT you.

The result: NOT YOU; the conditioning that you have adopted results in limiting beliefs and patterns that roadblock you and your Life on Fire. When you become aware of your conditioning you can begin the process of deconditioning.

It can be easy to play victim and blame other people or circumstances for our problems, but the truth is that we hold the reigns and when we decide to operate from a place of empowerment is when we begin to experience the Victory of creating our Life on Fire.

This leads us into the second step: Radical ResponsibilityStep #2: Take Responsibility

This is one of the biggest problems I see with a majority of people I meet: they are addicted to victimhood, to their suffering.  If you want to achieve anything in your life you must decide this moment that you will take ruthless responsibility for your life and the circumstances in it.  This is 2023 people we are done blaming we are CREATING, we are VISIONING we are DREAMING and we are ACTUALIZING these things.  You will not actualize your dream life by being the victim.  Now is your time to be the victor in your life so you can have victory.  You have established awareness in your life and now is the time to take responsibility.

This doesn’t mean that you should beat yourself up or dwell on your mistakes. What it does mean is that you should take responsibility for your part in the problem and make a commitment to change it. Only then can you start making progress towards a solution.

Step #3: Leverage Your Life Code

What is your Life Code?  Your unique Life Code is a formula I developed that uses your unique information to better understand yourself and how to make decisions that are correct for you so you can operate through life and the world with confidence and ease.   You can stop repeating the patterns and systems that are hard and don’t work effectively.     This is your formula to work smarter, not harder so you can fulfil your mission and purpose.

Step #4: My Unique Process

This is my special sauce that has been in the making for over ten years of study and research in healing modalities and lineages from all over the world that have been used for thousands of years and also some that are cutting edge.  You get access to all of this in Nirvana Mentorship.  My process combines the Life Code Formula + Mind + Body = Your Life on Fire.

By applying your Life Code Formula in unison with medicine of the mind and body, we create a dynamic approach to your overall vitality and success. This includes ancient and modern medicines taht sharpen the mind and body to optimize itself for breakthrough.

We begin the program by creating a personalized Life Code Formula that works for you. This formula is like the “operating system” for your life, and by activating it, you will be able to start making steady progress in all areas of your life.

From there, I use a range of mind-body practices such as meditation, breathwork, visualization and movement to help you make faster progress. These tools are also incorporated into my unique process so that they become an integrated part of your daily practice.

My goal with Nirvana Mentorship is to give you a comprehensive approach to self-mastery so that you can experience true fulfillment and success in all areas of life.You are not powerless. You have everything you need to create the Life you want and deserve. The only thing holding you back is the limiting beliefs and conditioning that you have adopted. When you become aware of these things, you can begin to change them.


Invest in Mentoring

Did you know that the top athletes, leaders and billionaires all have this in common?  They value their growth which is why they invest in a mentor.  A mentor is someone who can reflect back to you what your mind wants to trick you on to keep you playing small, a mentor can offer a mirror for you to see what is really going on and to offer another solution.  If you desire to collapse timelines in your path then a mentor is for you.  The bottom line is that investing in a mentor is one of the smartest things you can do for your growth and success.



The problem is not YOU, it is NOT YOU.

By applying these facets of the TA Method you can decondition from everything that stands in the way of you and your life on fire.   I am here to tell you that you can and I believe in you and your vision.  No matter how hard or crazy it seems  I believe that you came here for a reason and that dream you see for yourself is planted in you for you to fulfill it and nobody in this world is better equipped to actualize it than you.  This will take courage and applying the five facets so you can activate your diamond gifts to be of service to the world in this time. If everyone on the planet was doing this the world would be a much better place, however, even if 1% of the world was doing this it would exponentially create a wave of positive impact.   If you are this one percent I want to help you activate your Diamond Gifts through applying these steps in the Nirvana Mentorship.

If you are ready to take your life to the next level, then sign up for a free consultation today and let’s get started!

Lots of Love,


Founder and CEO,


[email protected]

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