March 20, 2023

My Favorite Anti-Aging Advice, courtesy of Gabrielle Union.

I’m not big on the idea of “anti-aging.”

Seems a bit ridiculous to try and stop something that’s inevitable.

We’re all going to age. We’re all going to get older. And, eventually, we’re all going to die.

That’s it. That’s life.

And, to me, it’s the ultimate privilege: the opportunity to grow old, to gain experiences, to collect years and memories and hopefully a little knowledge along the way.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t look and feel our best as time goes by.

I recently turned 40 and feel more at home in my body than I ever have. Part of that is probably because of the general wisdom and maturity that comes with age.

But it’s also because I love to experiment with health and beauty techniques, and change up my routine regularly, depending on what my body is calling for. I can’t even tell you how many hours I’ve spent scrolling through TikTok or Instagram Reels or Pinterest boards looking for tips, tools, and products that are designed not to stop the aging process but to help us age well. To age better.

Because there’s nothing wrong preparing for the inevitable.

I do have limits though. No needles or knives, at least not right now. (Ask me again in 10 years.) No dangerous detoxes or diets. Nothing that sucks up huge amounts of time. (If it takes longer than 10-15 minutes max, count me out.) Nothing that causes pain or makes me miserable. And nothing that requires me to overspend or go into debt. (I’m not trying to be old and broke.)

But if it seems simple, can fit easily into my day or nighttime routine, is inexpensive, or just makes me feel good, I’ll give it a try.

Last night, I came across what might be my new favorite beauty tip, courtesy of actress Gabrielle Union. The interviewer asked, “What’s the top beauty tip you’re passing down to Kaavia (her daughter)?”

Her answer is 100 percent on point:

@theoraclemedia Because 50 where?? #gabunion #gabrielleunion #hellobeautiful #beautytips #beautytips ♬ original sound – Theoraclemedia

“Water. My beauty tip is water…and boundaries

Nothing ages you quite like having no damn boundaries and letting people run all over you. So drink your water and say no. 

Create very clear boundaries. That’s the best anti-aging advice I could give anyone.”

Forget the expensive creams and serums, the weird, Goopy diet advice, and the hollow promises about making us feel 10 years younger. This is how we age better, whether we’re four, 40, or beyond.


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author: Nicole Cameron

Image: theoraclemedia/TikTok