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March 30, 2023

Association equals Assimilation


Life has taught me to always get around persons that are ahead, that hold the thinking, education, skills, language, thinking and speaking that I wish to possess in the future. I have learned sports, behavior, and many tasks from just being around experts.

The tips you get and lessons you absorb are worth more than you initially realize. They propel you to the front as they are applicable immediately most times. You learn the most modern methods available, and their use. There is no substitute for experience, and no better way to gain this experience than seeing it done as it is being done, watching the preparation, and hearing the postmortem.

What I have also learned that holds many back is the inability to let go of where they come from. Most times if you are like me, you originate from very humble beginnings. While I see this as an advantage in innovation, it also brings a grave setback. The word “culture” of the family. To break the generational spell, one has to become prepared to be laughed and scoffed at. They would admire you internally, but outwardly admonish you etc. You must understand this is fear, fear of losing their daughter/son/sister/brother, fear of the unknown. But someone has to break the cycle, and that someone is YOU.

You have to learn that the more reactions you get, they more you are progressing, you will always be tempted to speak the family/village slang, maintain the customs, etc to fit in. But you are not here to fit in or assimilate, Your job is to elevate oneself, so you can elevate the others. To show them it can be done, and must be done. To move the needle positively. The hardest part is mentally detaching yourself, because you will have to repeat this daily for months until it becomes a part of you to reject the old, and embrace being the person who installs the new.

We cannot upgrade our lives with modern technology, we have to first upgrade out minds, mentality, thinking, speech and actions, in doing so we will also upgrade our culture. Not lose, but improve and make it better for the next generation.

Avoid assimilation by being purposeful, driven, setting goals, and be ready to stand against the push-back from Family and Friends during the upgrade, your upgrade will open doors for others’ future.

Associate with those you wish to emulate, Your Family and Friends will understand when you return from your journey and Thank You for making the sacrifice!


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