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April 3, 2023

How to: Yoga Nidra

“Relaxation does not mean sleep. Relaxation means to be blissfully happy; it has no end.  Sleep only relaxes the mind and senses. Bliss relaxes the atma, the inner self; that is why, in tantra, Yoga Nidra is the doorway to the bliss of Samadhi.”

– Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Yoga Nidra, pub. Bihar School of Yoga, 1976.

With this quote, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, the pioneer of Yoga Nidra, beautifully explains what the practice entails.

The practice of yoga nidra varies from teacher to teacher, and school to school. The purpose itself may vary depending on why it is being practised. Some people practice it to tackle insomnia, some use it as a resting technique, whereas some practitioners may practice it to sow the seeds of change.

If you are uncertain and don’t know where to begin, here is a brief outline of a general session.

  1. Preparation and relaxation – Instructions are given to ensure the practitioners are relaxed and ready for the practice.
  2. Sankalpa/Resolve – Intention or resolve is set as relaxation takes over and distractions fade.
  3. Rotation of Consciousness – Body awareness is practised by focusing on every individual part of the body.
  4. Breath Awareness – The breath is controlled and made to relax.
  5. Visualization – Several different visual cues are provided by the instructor as a means to practice dharana (focusing). In the later stages, dharana maybe take a step ahead to dhayana (defocusing)
  6. Finish – The visualization practice leaves the mind in a very receptive state which is why the practice ends with a resolve. The practice then ends with the body being drawn outwards to a wakeful state.

The modern Yoga Nidra is carefully assembled practice by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He was the first to recognise the ancient practice and devised a modern approach to ancient and complex techniques.

Watch the following video to practice Yoga Nidra with us.

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