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April 24, 2023

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Playing Golf

Golf is one of the most popular sports worldwide, and for a good reason. Not only is it relaxing, but it also brings about many health benefits.

Many years ago, I found out I had high blood pressure after a routine checkup. I’d already known that I have a family history of heart disease and, shortly after, realized that my sedentary lifestyle wasn’t helping my situation at all. So, I decided to make a few changes, with getting more exercise being my top priority. While at first, I wasn’t very fond of the idea, I considered taking my friend’s advice and tried golf. Needless to say, after a few rounds, I fell in love with the game.

Golf helps people meet the minimum recommended physical activity levels. Furthermore, medical studies have shown that golf is associated with improvements in many risk factors for heart disease, including body composition, fitness, and blood lipid levels. If you’ve already been diagnosed with heart disease, the good news is that it isn’t too late to change your lifestyle as I did and try golf. Playing has been shown to offer suitable exercise for cardiac rehabilitation patients, meaning that it can be both a preventative tool and a treatment.

Last year, over 25 million people enjoyed at least one round of golf in the United States. With that many people hitting the course, it is no surprise that playing has some great health benefits. Golf is a low-impact activity, offering numerous health benefits for people of any age. There’s something in for everyone when it comes to the amazing game of golf, so get ready to find out how this sport can help you.


Here are seven health benefits of playing golf regularly:


1. Being in the great outdoors. When you’re playing golf, you spend a lot of time outdoors, which entails being exposed to plenty of sunlight that is necessary for getting enough vitamin D. Furthermore, spending time outdoors for long periods of time also means that you will sleep better, have lower blood pressure, be more creative, and have less anxiety. Being in a picturesque location where you can take in nature, which most golf courses offer, can do wonders for your mental health.


2. Good exercise. One of the main benefits of golfing is getting the exercise you need for a healthy body. While playing, you will spend a lot of time on your feet and also do plenty of walking. Most golf courses will have you walking around 4 miles by the end, so you’ll definitely get in your daily step goals. Although golf isn’t a high-energy sport, it can also help you burn calories and lose weight if that’s your goal.


3. Playing golf is good for your heart. Because playing gets your blood circulation going while encouraging your heart to work more efficiently, it helps your heart to build its muscles. Golf also exercises your heart and keeps your heart rate up, which can naturally lower your risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Moreover, it can also lower your cholesterol levels. Playing golf regularly can even lead to a greater life expectancy.


4. Golf can improve concentration. As a sport requiring accuracy, focus, and concentration, golf encourages creative thinking, such as having to visualize where and how far your shot will go. It also boosts your brain functions since golf improves blood circulation, and more blood will be pumped to your brain. Repeated swings strengthen your muscle memory, and navigating a golf course gives you a greater sense of distance and depth.


5. Socializing and making new friends. Contrary to popular belief, golf is a social sport, and it entails plenty of interaction with other people, whether they are your caddy or a fellow player. It also gives you the opportunity to make new friends, especially if you’re a beginner, and ask for help or strike up a conversation. Playing golf with other people helps boost your self-esteem, social skills, and overall mental wellbeing.


6. Golfing helps reduce stress. As a result of the physical activity and also due to the pleasure of walking in a natural environment, playing golf can substantially reduce stress and anxiety. A round of golf can release the “feel good” endorphins, which can combat anxiety and depression. It can also help prevent dementia if you become a regular player. Even more, golfing is associated with improved mood and increased confidence.


7. Keeps your bones strong. By playing golf regularly, your bones will become stronger, and your risk of fractures will also decrease. Golf can place appropriate stress on bones to help them maintain density and strength. Even if you have osteoporosis, playing can prove to be a beneficial exercise. The most common fractures in people with osteoporosis are hip, vertebrae, and wrist. Therefore, frequently engaging in this sport can help prevent these fractures if you remember to warm up before playing.


If you’ve never played golf, seeing how many health benefits it can bring about should make you consider it. You can go to your local public golf course for starters to find out whether this game is for you. A lot of people are hooked after playing their first round, and you might have a memorable experience, too.

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