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May 18, 2023

How to Start a New Day: 5 Easy Yet Effective Tips

Do you know how you start your morning will affect your days, and how you live your days will affect your life?

If you often wake up late, feel exhausted before leaving your home for work, and have bad days, check 5 practical tips to start a new day below.

Last year, I often woke up with anxiety and the phone beside me. When checking the phone, I worried about incomplete tasks in the office. It made me more tired. Then I left home in terrible condition.

My emotions in the morning led to low productivity at work. It then led to an exhausting night. Day by day, I was stuck with a negative circle.

I wondered how successful people start their days. Then I tried many ways and already found the best way for me.

Recently, I’m starting the morning full of happiness, motivation, and energy. My colleagues said they always see smiles on my face whenever I visit the office.

Are you curious about what I do in the morning?

Here are some great ways I recommend you to start your day productively.

1. Waking up early

Many successful people wake up early in the morning. Waking up 1 hour earlier than usual means you have more than 30 hours per month and 365 hours per day. If you could use this time reasonably, you will make a significant change in your work and personal life.

Starting a new day when people are sleeping gives me more time to do everything I want before going to the office. No notifications. No distraction. Just me and the silence, I do everything calmly.

It’s great that I don’t have to rush to leave the house. Going to work on time makes me feel comfortable and happy, so I can work more effectively that day.

If you wake up late, imagine how terrible your day would be when you forget something at home and are late for work. That affects your mood and work negatively.

2. Doing exercise or yoga

According to Harvard Health Publishing, movement can help boost your energy level. When you exercise, your body releases mitochondria and oxygen.

While mitochondria, which are useful in increasing your body’s energy supply, create fuel out of glucose from the food you eat and oxygen from the air you breathe, oxygen supports the mitochondria’s energy production. They allow you to use your energy more efficiently.

Moreover, just 20-30 minutes in the morning, like walking, yoga, or stretching, is enough to release dopamine in your body.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a vital role in how we feel pleasure. It makes us feel motivated, alert, and focused also. Therefore, doing exercise in the morning will improve your productivity all day.

Besides the benefits of creating a successful day, exercise is also good for your health and helps you have a dream body. I found my health improved after 2 months of doing exercise every day.

However, I recommend playing different movements to increase your interest. It’ll be so dull to repeat one activity every day.

3.  Writing grateful diary

Another way to improve your emotion to start a new day is a gratitude diary.

This is a kind of journal in which you write down things you are thankful for. You could write your diary on paper or your laptop right after waking up.

When writing a diary, I focus on positive things and good people. They could be a small achievement I gained or people I appreciate much. Sometimes, it can be simply a lovely weekend with my family.

This activity can lead to a more balanced perspective and lift my mood in the morning. Moreover, coming to the office with peaceful gratitude improves my productivity. It brings up a lot of positive energy to my colleagues.

Besides, the journal gives us space to slow down, reducing our stress and anxiety. For these reasons, a thankful diary is becoming more and more popular.

4. Creating a to-do list

I often make a list of what I need to do every day in the morning to control my day. A to-do list with detailed timelines will help me avoid missing important tasks and follow my schedule.

If you always feel a lack of time, try this way. Writing a to-do list will be a great solution because it’ll save time. Your timeline pushes you to move forward and finish jobs timely.

If you don’t have your daily schedule, you’ll feel you have a lot of time in the beginning and delay your work continually, which means you are wasting your time.

Once I complete a task, I check it off. Doing that gives me a sense of accomplishment and helps me stay motivated to keep working towards your goals.

Therefore, I’m always satisfied and motivated by a list of finished jobs.

5.  Reading books

The final tip is to read books for about 30 minutes in the morning. A novel to improve your emotion or a self-help book to develop yourself is all good.

I’d recommend you read a physical book or use Kindle instead of ebook apps on your phone. That way, you won’t be distracted by messages and email notifications.

Reading a book with a suitable method allows you to relax, improve your concentration and broaden your knowledge. The more time you spend on books, the more you strengthen your mind.

As we can see, exciting books will be great inspirations for a successful day.

The way you start a morning determines the quality of the rest of your day. A productive day leads to a good night and a nice sleep. Try these excellent tips to create your habit, and you’ll get a great result.


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