July 4, 2023

Sometimes We Just Need Space.

Sometimes we just need space

To be

To feel

To allow

To be with what is

And what isn’t

To be with what’s happening within.

Sometimes we need to soften, melt, relax

Sink into ourselves

Be with ourselves

Go within

Inside of ourselves

Let ourselves be.

We don’t always know the answers

Or the next steps

Or the actions to take.

We can’t see what’s unseen

Or know what’s unknown.

But we can soften


Tune in

And allow.

We can be with what is



In this moment.

We can feel where we are

Feel into where we’re going

Feel the energy of what’s coming.

We can let what’s happening happen

And we can watch it

Observe it

Be present with it

Be here, now, in this current moment with it.

We can be with what is

Be with ourselves.

Sometimes we need space to get quiet

To be quiet

To be still

Space to soften

To not do

Space to watch

To feel

To be.


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 253,060

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Ali Gabr/Pexels