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September 17, 2023

thoughts from sunset’s rays

And somehow it paints a portrait of what I feel inside.  The tight knot in my chest, forging tension between my lungs.

I can feel my belly rise, striving to fill with breath.

Bones melt, succumbing to the vitality of my pulsing heart.

A heart boundless and bold as the sun, scorching life into everything she touches.

My inhale finds its peak,

its freefall moment,

It’s absolutely stunning surrender

As exhalation triggers the fall,

The plummeting into the gut of my stomach,

when I adjust to another breath,

Another beautiful fucking moment,

Without you.

Bathing in emptiness,

I am letting you go,

Setting you free.

Putting all of my faith into

What is meant to be.

I cannot keep you afloat

the succulent stream

That pulls you into me,

Polluting my body with whispered promises

And fire that swallows me whole.

You may have burned me,

but I will not drown into the ocean that is you.

Just as the sun forfeits to the moon,

She dies only for her own rebirth.

I will triumph above the weight of your sadness.

Paint tangerine across my soul

And then cast shadows over my rampant love,

But my heart will shine brighter,

bursting in raw, unfathomable presence.

Her beat simply exists, radiating worthiness

And beauty that cannot be captured.

As long as I have this breath,

I have this life.

I shall rise,

even after setting.

My heart continues beating

without yours pressed against it.

For I alone am enough,

Just like she is.”

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