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September 17, 2023

morning’s nectar is you

A searing, summer breeze sweeps through the screen.  Sunshine creeps through the blinds, preluding to an emerald sky lightly drizzled with fluffy clouds.  The birds’ mating ritual takes place outside of our window, forcing me from my slumber.  Careful not to disturb you, I slide to the edge of the bed and peek outside.  A male bird shakes its bum, chirping in proud, vulnerable desperation.  I snicker, imagining him singing the words to Frank Sinatra’s, “Come Fly with Me.”

I catch sight of another bird, presumably the female, perched on a porch rail nearby.  After spending a lifetime observing human interaction, she plays hard to get.  I sigh as the sunshine soaks into my skin, a golden warmth that immediately comforts me.  My hazy eyes sparkle as I observe the courtship between the two love birds.  The harmony of their song dances around our bedroom, painting goosebumps up and down my arms.

My heart overflows with joy as I gaze back at you, my sweetheart.  Stubble has spread with gusto across your cheeks and chin, igniting such a tingle in the flesh of my panties.  My eyes absorb your effortless innocence, and my body aches to be pressed against yours.

Independent and self-assured, you rest on your back.  Rampant with hunger, my eyes fixate on your lips.  Craving seeps into my bones, quickening my breath and triumphing over my initial discretion.   My inner thighs respond by sliding together, awaiting your guidance.  I lift the silk sheet and remove a pillow barricading our bodies.  My fingertips graze along your chest, tickling the unruly hair spread throughout.  Eyes still closed, a boyish smile reveals itself across your mouth.  I kiss my way up your chest, using my tongue to explore the outline of your neck.  My lips shield my teeth to tug on your earlobe and whisper,

“Wake up for me.”

Searching for a handle, your hands grip onto the meaty part of my thighs, where they meet my ass.  I feel your heart cooperate, increasing its beat and prompting your eyelashes to flutter open.  Steel, blue hues peer into the blazing fire behind my eyes, encompassing our desire.  A soft moan escapes from my mouth as it meets yours.  I slide you inside of me, anxious to absorb the enthusiasm of your morning zest.

Tangled hair, panting, and a flurry of hands accompany our lovemaking.  Beads of sweat coat our skin as we surrender to a shared release.  Your fingers trace along my thigh, dancing to the vibration of our heartbeat’s gentle descendance.  Our bones marinate in lovers’ mess.

“Mine,” you declare.

“Yours,” I breathe.

Burning in your eyes, fire in your fingertips.  You lie behind me, observing the thrill of your hands as they ravish me.  You kiss my skin like a sweet devouring, your hands restlessly voyaging up and down my body.  You want all of me, every single drop of my existence.  Your hands grasp my neck, and then slide down to caress the delicacy of my collarbones.  Their journey continues across my shoulders, spilling down the length of my arms.  Your touch explores every curve, carrying torrid sensation as cargo.

You’ve revved everywhere except the spot that still screams for more.  Oh darling, you’ve always known just how to rev me.

Keep me wanting more

I can feel your chest and arm muscles still recovering from our lovemaking, pulsating against my body.  I turn my face to meet your lips, a collision of passionate yearning.  Your palms frame my hips, pulling me in closer.  My tongue thrusts into your mouth, tasting remnants of honeyed coffee.

Our day’s agenda beckons us to come hither, but I can still hear the bird’s sweet song enveloping our bedroom.  Your hands cradle my heart and I melt underneath you.  My insatiable thirst, your well of fervency, I fall into you again and again.

“All my soul within me burning…” -Edgar Allan Poe

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