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September 17, 2023

lovers out at sea

Why do you leave me hanging at the end of your line? You’ve made the catch, will you reel it in? Suspended in cold air, nothing to grasp, nothing to cling to, nothing to steady my pendulum body, gasping for breath, drink me in. I want to swim past the break between your lips, a straight and narrow path to your heart. Sink my teeth and flutter around, dancing within the bleeding pulse. And if I can’t do that, my love, let me roam free in the ocean, where the waves run their course over my skin and cradle me, kissed by the sunshine and cleansed by the rain. Release me from your hook, let me escape like hell. Haste will quench my spirit with wanderlust. For I run too deep for you to dive, not yet, not now, you can’t, you won’t.

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