August 15, 2012

Why I Meditate. ~ Katherine Hamilton

Photo: h.koppdelaney

A bow to Allen Ginsberg.

I sit because my Soul wants me to remember,

I sit because my Muse wants me to imagine,

I sit because baby girls get clitorectomies,

I sit because then I can feel what came before my ego,

I sit because I drink too much,

I sit because it is easier than standing up,

I sit to honor the source of being,

I sit so that others will learn the power of mindfulness,

I sit because I am aimless and distracted if I don’t,

I sit because of genocide, hatred, oppression, confusion and fear,

I sit because I need connection to All,

I sit to experience silence, emptiness and spaciousness,

I sit because it quells the white-hot fear in the middle of the night,

I sit because I am too old for cocaine, mushrooms and LSD,

I sit to breathe in the pain and suffering of all, and to breathe out well-being and love,

I sit for the spider, the snail, the cactus, the lotus, the dolphin, the dog,

I sit for the transformation of the consciousness of the world.

Psychologist by day, writer by night, garage band vocalist on the weekend and aspiring boddhisatva, Katherine has been published in The Sun (February, 2012;  July 2012) and seeks to expand both her consciousness and her audience. She also has other poetry, short prose and a blog, iambicpsyche.blogspot.com.


Editor: Elysha Anderson

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