December 8, 2023

“A tender heart has the power to transform the world.” ~ Chogyam Trungpa

Love is awareness, not avoidance.

Peace is achieved through caring, not “good vibes only” gated community spirituality. Politics is too often won by the selfish and cynical or ambitious, not those focused on solutions and listening and nuance. The sound byte and meme and scrolling reign supreme in a world where depth, facts, and slowing down matter.

But again, we can reverse this. Any moment of slowing down, of listening, of vulnerably and bravely caring is a moment of seeing real Peace. It’s worth it, even if it doesn’t carry the day.

Share your story. Elephant is not one voice, but a community of voices who can afford to dialogue, to learn, to inspire, to listen and disagree respectfully. Post an article at elephantjournal.com/post

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