December 14, 2023

27 Short Reminders (Not Resolutions) for the New Year.

I like reminders.

For me, they’re more realistic than resolutions. They’re not about giving up bad habits or making big plans. They’re more about having core beliefs and values.

Unlike resolutions, I don’t need to write them down or memorize them. The pressure of “achieving” them is not there, and they’re applicable every single day.

I don’t even need a list for them; I only need to feel them. I need to believe in their essence so I can practice them unconditionally and without constraint.

If I forget one of them, it’s okay. See? I don’t even have to memorize them. All I want is to walk into the New Year with comfort and ease.

Here are 27 short reminders that I want to keep with me throughout the new year:

1. I want to be kind to myself, especially when I make rookie mistakes or when things don’t go as planned.

2. I want to be kind to others, especially when they trigger me or upset me.

3. I want to be happy.

4. But I also want to be sad.

5. In fact, I want to feel everything without shame. All feelings are okay.

6. I want to stay away from everyone and everything that stresses me out.

7. I want to have realistic expectations that comfort me—not hurt me.

8. I want to say no to things I don’t want to do without feeling guilty.

9. I want to say yes to what lights the fire in my heart.

10. I want to be scared and wholeheartedly believe that fear is my friend, not my enemy.

11. I want to enjoy the present moment because today will not come again.

12. I want to embrace change without letting it cripple me.

13. I want to be grateful for today and every day.

14. I want to prioritize rest and self-care.

15. I want to be realistic, not positive.

16. I want to grow and learn from my mistakes.

17. I want to accept others as they are.

18. I want to remember to breathe—mindfully and intentionally.

19. I want to set firm boundaries.

20. I want to be me.

21. I want to forgive others, especially when they cut me deep.

22. I want to befriend my past—not let it go.

23. I want to welcome the future with open arms, even though I don’t know what it has in store for me.

24. I want to accept uncertainty.

25. I want to love deeply.

26. I want to make new friends and connect with people.

27. I want to spend time in nature because it’s good for me and it brings me happiness and peace of mind.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Daniel Xavier/Pexels