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January 12, 2024


It means to claim something back; what you have, and what is dutifully yours. It originates from the French word “Reclaimen” which means to call back a hawk to the glove – get the meta picture?

A call back, a protest, a shout – you’re calling back for your natural/divine self – your own hawk; the bird that flew and forgot where its nest is: remembrance, homecoming. You’re reclaiming what is the seed of you, your core, your essence – your energy. Reclamation is the regaining of your power, agency and autonomy and reshaping your foundation based on that.

To reclaim is to re-connect. A return back to roots – our primitive connection to our mother. The earthly provider of abundance, security, safety and prosperity. The journey back home is within our body and our energetic channels and chambers. When you travel through the unknown and “know” that path, you do own that expertise, as you experience the effort of navigation. That mastery and depth is within you, to reach it, is the process of reclaiming that knowledge – of what is already natively yours. When you have the foundation, the why and the know-how, when you return back to your source – you get re-sourced and strengthen your sense of self. To reclaim your instinctual right to be in your body, on earth and the liberty to be abundant, generous and stable.

The freedom to become what you wholeheartedly and sincerely want, rather than defining yourself with your history and the events that happened to you. If you are able, powerful and comfortable within the confinements of your skin, your abode, your temple, isn’t that the ultimate “sense” of freedom? Isn’t that the reclaiming of what’s yours? Whatever is within your reach, is utterly and completely YOU. It starts with the dive inside – the transition from thinking about what you are, to giving your fullest to sensing who you really are – the actuality and totality of you: not your name, age, whereabouts in life and what you do and all the social stories. But your energy: how it vibrates, how it speaks, the sensations of your body, what resonates with your thoughts, the rhythm of your heart and its beats, the way you listen and communicate with yourself and the external world around you.

Reclamation is the return to nature and integrating that with a new mindset, a clean slate. Nature is not separate from us, our bodies are built from the elements of nature and to think otherwise is separation and fragmentation from source. The root meaning of nature in Latin is: “birth, quality” that means intrinsic/ automatically innate. The structures of nature are embedded in us. So, to be natural is to align with your birth like qualities and innate abilities, to own your ways, respect how you feel and honor your seasonality. It’s not the strive to be perfect, to impress and be validated for that, but to be your own master and commander by being relevant and owning your stories, sensations and all that you truthfully are. Perfection is a state of the acceptance of imperfection. To be your own acceptor, than to seek that outside of yourself.

Nature’s language is energy, and we are equipped with that vibrational communication. Our bodies are furnished with an energetic system that grants us the ability to connect with the external world, express our needs and desires and to steer to achieve change; these are our emotions. Emotions, Emotere in Latin – Energy in motion, are the basic structures of our relationships, where we harbor the thoughts that support and shape our energetic/emotional self. Emotional charges reveal the way our bodies communicate with us and how we relate to the outer surroundings. To know how to use our emotional system is to reclaim the power of the body’s earthly consciousness. Energy is movement and movement is change.

The journey of reclamation is also one of the development of the awareness of the Ego – we have apathetic references to the ego and consider it to be the anti-self. However, it’s the Ego’s attachments, through our own ignorance of how to operate the body, and resistances within that defy who we are – energetic beings having a human/bodily experience. We will explore the topic of the Ego in the next post.

Everything within you, is completely you. Even if you play the part of the ignorant, the denial of what’s within you is yours to explore, feel/process and integrate. So, to traverse where you neglected to look at, should be one of curiosity, gentleness and openness. Emotions and our thoughts are oceans to be discovered and to move from what we know, to what we feel to be revealed.

With all the above being in mind, let’s not take the learnings and life’s episodes so seriously. As, seriousness leads to attachment, as the serious person has to prove, resist and control the ways the seriousness needs to be displayed. Seriousness is fixation to beliefs and to attach to them – ignorance feeds on that. Once you’re attached, you’re separated, and we can’t learn through segregation – fixation and resistance are anti progressiveness.

So, what brings us to contemplate life and to be at awe, is play and lack of seriousness. Both allow us to have an observer’s stance on things and not to control, judge and resist. But to allow, remain and sustain. Playfulness develops your interest and openness, because you are not looking to terminate the game – you want to continue, and to sustain that, you inquire more and are open to receive the relevant knowledge. Play mode is non-stop with no agenda, seriousness is finite and it needs to have an end to what we do with a win/lose attitude. The characters that we play with are our thoughts and emotions, you are the grand spectator in a world of symphonic drama.

My reclamation path has started with traveling to India to learn Yoga and meditation at an Ashram in the beautiful and vibrant state of Kerala. The dive within was going against thinking about expecting to allowing and surrendering – which is the hardest thing for the over-thinking folk. Learning how to meditate taught me how to transform the frustration of becoming silent and still to the illumination and liberation of surrendering by sheer spectating – the awareness of what you’re thinking without thinking them. The operation of realization, the recognition of the self.

Yoga means to yoke, to unite the body with nature, and meditation is simply the art of observing contemplation. The most powerful stance in life, is to watch – to watch and allow things to flow and happen, as you are the same powerful awareness that provides the space for that. The more we allow our grand consciousness to do its work for us, the reclamation of that power becomes a playful and flowing one. The diving never stopped for me and never will, as reclamation is a process, not a destination – just as living, it’s a cycle of events, where everything is constantly changing.

Ending statements and take-aways to ponder on:

  • The life we live, the forces we feel and our core being is all but the different facets of the same – Consciousness.

  • Always remember: The universe teaches us in paradoxes – life is a paradox, not a contradiction nor an opposition, but two sides of the same token.

  • Paradoxical learning is counterintuitive, but, it’s knowing what you don’t know and leaning into uncertainty. Paradox – Greek for Para (Contrary to) and Dokein (opinion) – helps with weaving in the tension of conflicting thoughts into discerning that unity in the way of life.

  • From the moment we are born, we racing. But, life gives way to death and termination gives way to operation. You live to die, and then from that, you are born again. The reality of your awareness never ceases to exist, just the transition of the vehicle in the world you were journeying in.

  • The leap of faith is always the effort to show up – showing up is defeating resistance. When you show up, you have leaped, and that leaping is bravery. Doesn’t it feel easier once you show up? As then your energy and awareness play their parts – as you’re connected to what you showed up for, having moved away from fearing a mental future.

  • Reclamation is the path to presence. The body is always here and now. Being in the present is within your body – you can mentally travel at the speed of thought, but your body remains at the place where your thoughts are happening. Setting aside sometime to yourself each day and night to breathe and contemplate, consciously, the way you desire. Before you enter the external world, post waking up, and after you exit, before sleeping – that’s the time of reclamation: to re-energize, re-source, re-claim.

  • Think about the last time you were consumed by happiness or joy; can you even imagine being anything but loving and warm in that state? Would you even consider prolonging a grudge or reacting to anyone, but through love and acceptance? That’s the example of the recognition of YOU; the Divine in you. The purest sense of self, the homecoming, the pathway to our creator, the source, the origin; our beloved truth. Happiness is understanding your unhappiness. A state, not a goal.

  • Set the precedence with your behavioral signature; your greater act, the greater you, the higher path; can you do that by being present, aligned and resonant with your energy over words? Non-local inspiration.

From my heart to yours,

Peace in and peace out.

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