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January 30, 2024

First Week Without

First week of welcoming

A new fur baby

Into your home

So full of excitement

Special bonding moments

Getting acquainted

Have many years

Of mutual love & devotion

A major part of your life

Always near

Wanting them to be 

By your side

A long time

Whether their loss

Is expected or sudden

Can be a shock

Naturally or by dreadful decision

Wanting to be there in final moments

Never ready to say good-bye

Was getting them recommended treatment worth it

Or cause an earlier death

Need answers

Can be so much doubt



First week of they

Were just here

Should be here

Their presence everywhere

Can imagine them doing

Their daily habits along with yours

Flowing tears

Grasping their collar and toys

Finding fur tufts in favorite spots

First week without

Calling their name

Except with tears

First week without

Seeing their sweet face

Except in photos

First week without

Not holding them close

Kissing their soft head

First week without

Them not curled up

Sleeping next to you

First week without

Hearing their vocal expressions

First week of

Pure hell

The pain of their loss

Never goes away

For they are our sweet baby

Receive their ashes in an urn

Setup a special place of honor

Perhaps get a tattoo tribute

We never know

How long we’ll have them

Being loved by an

Innocent animal

Is like none other

We’ll always carry

Those who are gone

In our hearts

It may take time

To get another

There are many looking for good homes

Worthy of love

~ Laura Booker

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