March 15, 2024

I was voted onto the board of Boulder Parks & Rec last night.

I was voted onto the board of Parks & Rec last night.

Congrats to all those wishing to serve—so many truly impressive, nonpartisan and genuinely caring, diverse candidates for so many vital boards.

While I care about every facet of our Boulder, I am determined to honor my appointment to Parks & Rec by serving diligently, caringly, genuinely, and enthusiastically to promote access and fun, eco-responsibility and our many diverse offerings.

In a town where we desperately need folks in local politics to focus on helping, actual solutions, not just partisan name-calling and territory, I was voted in by stalwart Matt Benjamin, Mayor Aaron, popular Tara, rookie star Tina, and veteran Mark—a bipartisan show of support.

I hope I had some support from other caring public servants on our Council, too—now, finally, a chance to serve and help our underfunded, overpopular, state-of-the-art or run-down, not-as-eco-or-accessible-as-could-be wealth of offerings as we further enter into this climate crisis era.

Parks & Rec is a department with parks, playgrounds, and services and rec centers that I quite literally grew up (raised by a loving hard-working single mom in Boulder) learning from playing in and on and at.

Parks & Rec (I’ve already been playing in one, this morning, shaking heavy snow from overburdened trees) is something we all love and use and care about deeply. Thank you all for the sweet messages.

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